Blogger Spammer

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My Internet is Broken
Sep 26, 2006
Hey all-

Just wrote this quick script which takes in a blog title, url, anchor text, and an article, breaks up the article into pieces, adds a link using the url and anchor text, and emails it to Blogger to be posted.

Feel free to use it or give me shit.

// username and password to log into script
$conf[adminuser] = "blogrocker";
$conf[adminpass] = "ohmyshit";
// authenticate administrator
if ((![URL=""]isset[/URL]($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) || (![URL=""]isset[/URL]($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) || ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != $conf[adminuser]) || ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != $conf[adminpass])) {
    [URL=""]header[/URL]('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="BlogRocker"');
    [URL=""]header[/URL]("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
    [URL=""]print[/URL] "This page requires authorization.";
// blog post by e-mail addresses; add as many blogs and email addresses as you want
$blog = [URL=""]array[/URL]();
$blog[0] = "";
$blog[1] = "";
$blog[2] = "";
$a = $_GET['a'];
if ($a == "") {
 $html = "
<form method='post' action='blogrocker.php?a=sendthatbitch'>"
<td>Post Title:
<input type='text' size='60' name='title'></td>
<input type='text' size='60' name='url'></td>
<td>Anchor Text (comma delimited):
<input type='text' size='60' name='anchor'></td>
<td>Text:<textarea name='text' rows='20' cols='80'></textarea></td>
<input type='submit' value='Rock those blogs!'></td>
if ($a == "sendthatbitch") {
 $title = $_POST['title'];
 $url = $_POST['url'];
 $anchors = [URL=""]explode[/URL](',', $_POST['anchor']);
 $text = [URL=""]strip_tags[/URL]($_POST['text']);
 $length = [URL=""]strlen[/URL]($text);
 // turn one article into a bunch of articles
 $i = 0;
 $j = 1;
 $sub_art = [URL=""]array[/URL]();
 while ($i <= $length) {
  $end = 500 * $j;
  $sub_art[$j] = [URL=""]substr[/URL]($text, $i, $end);
  $i = $i + 500;
 // use the url and anchor text to build links
 $link = [URL=""]array[/URL]();
 $i = 0;
 foreach($anchors as $anchor) {
  $link[$i] = "<a href='" . $url . "' title='" . $anchor . "'>" . $anchor . "</a>";
 // Heavy lifting: pick a sub article, combine it with a link, and send it to the blogs
 $html = "Blogs updated: ";
 foreach($blog as $send) {
  $subart_num = [URL=""]array_rand[/URL]($sub_art);
  $link_num = [URL=""]array_rand[/URL]($link);
  $post = $sub_art[$subart_num] . "... " . $link[$link_num];
  [URL=""]mail[/URL]($send, $title, $post, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\nFrom: MFE <>\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . [URL=""]phpversion[/URL]());
  $html = $html . "<br/>$send";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<style type='text/css'>
body {
 background: #e0e0e0;
td {
 font-size: 10pt;
 font-weight: bold;
<? [URL=""]echo[/URL] $html; ?>



Thanks Mattseh - I taught myself php, so I just chug through until I get something that works. It isn't pretty, for sure.
empty() is better, doesn't generate warnings, and you're fudging types less then (does that even matter for php?)
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