vs Wordpress

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New member
Feb 10, 2007
So I am starting up a blog and have narrowed my choices down to the following two: Wordpress or

If you had to choose which one would you? I do develop daily with and think it might be easier to customize the But I just wanted to know everyone else's experience with the two.

To start I have only posted blog entries to wordpress and blogengine. So I am more concerned about the advanced features and hosting ads and such to really make it worth something.

I'm a .NET developer too and am constantly bummed that everything is PHP. I've setup a few BlogEngine.NET instances. It's a really nice platform.

But at the end of the day there are just too many Wordpress plugins like WFReview that cant be used with to stick with it if you plan on running more than a site or two. You COULD build the functionality yourself, as a programmer I've tried that but it distracts you from what you (I'm assuming since you are here) are supposed to be doing, namely running and tweaking campaigns to make money.

All that being said, I'm kind of full of shit as there are plenty of ebay store plugins and stand alone scripts in PHP but instead I'm burning hours writing my own in ASP.NET MVC (although part of that is because I want to learn MVC and there is missing functionality from what is currently on the market).
Oh and if ad placement is a concern, you could custom insert with BlogEngine, but like I said already the OpenX platform has a plugin for running ads on.... wait for it.... Wordpress. :)
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Thanks justo_tx.

Yea I would like something simple now that I can get up and going and have the plugins. I do not want to be distracted from my other projects. But you are right that wordpress has the plugins. And the ads is just a secondary thing if I can do it on the blog somehow.
.net hosting is harder and usually more expensive to find I'm always for more alternatives though :D
.net hosting is harder and usually more expensive to find I'm always for more alternatives though :D

Agree hands down. .NET hosting fucking blows price wise, most don't let you run more than one domain per account, I think does let you run up to eight per shared account, but I have yet to see a .NET host let you run unlimited domains that isn't a virtual or leased server.
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