Blog worth it?


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Do many of you have a blog associated with or on your site? I've heard it's good because it can get you indexed more often and you show up on blog searches.


yes I do have blog, and as a matter my blog is my website, and yes I have a gotten multiple pages in my blog come up up in the search engine search results

Thanks but I was thinking of the product sites-is it worth it to have the personal touch do you think or not bother?
Having your own blog has many advantages, and a couple of these would be instant publicity/marketing and gaining additional income. It's the same with a blog focusing on specific products. But I think you should be ready with original content for this or else you would easily lose possible customers' interest.
I have a few blog on which I put links to my main website. You can use a blog to promote your website and build its reputation. Plus, you can earn additional income by publishing ads on the blog.
Do many of you have a blog associated with or on your site? I've heard it's good because it can get you indexed more often and you show up on blog searches.

It could be a good way to tie your customers in to your site, (let them
comment IF they register), while getting feedback at the same time.

Then send your newsletter with holiday coupons, seasonal specials, etc.
to all your registered commenters.


You should definitely set up a blog with your site. It allows you to keep adding fresh content to your site for search engines to crawl. It lets your visitors stay on your site which helps your bounce rate as well. There's really no downside except for the fact that you have to spend time creating the content.
Thanks but I was thinking of the product sites-is it worth it to have the personal touch do you think or not bother?

I'm thinking about doing this now. I would actually start the blog first, giving surface information about your niche, just enough to bring readers in. Then after you build a readership after a few months, release your product. I think most IMers do it backwards.