Blockbuster offically done

Yes, BlockBuster was going to buy out circuit city. I worked there, and left 6 months before the closed the doors. They were going to try to find a way to make margin on DVD sales/rentals through Circuit City. Like if you bought a DVD at circuit city, you could return it for a reduced refund, and they'll use it as a rental copy or something of the sort. Honestly, even with the customer service issues, we had alot of repeat business at circuit city so there could've been a chance that it worked but two failing companies don't make a right.
It's crazy seeing all these empty circuit cities around town. I always think "man, lease me the building... I can't use all of it but it is just sitting there" but of course that is not how it works.
serves those movie rental places right. Hollywood video in my area just closed to, still got our blockbuster for now.

Charging up the ass to rent a movie for 1-3 nights. Tacking on ridiculous late fees and being overall inconvient to rent from. It was just a matter of time between downloading/streaming online, redbox and actually useful services like netflix took them out. They had plenty of opportunities to change their business model and adjust but they chose to stay greedy. So fuck 'em. Oddly enough the small video stores in my area seem to be doing even better and will probably do even better once blockbusters and hollywood videos are gone, which good for them.
It's crazy seeing all these empty circuit cities around town. I always think "man, lease me the building... I can't use all of it but it is just sitting there" but of course that is not how it works.

They're turning the one by me into a BMW dealership. I think that will do considerably better biz than Circuit Shitty.
Wait is blockbuster going away or did it just declare bankruptcy? Cause there is a difference.
Blockbuster's been in serious debt for many years.. when they first got funding for major expansion it put them in nearly $1B in debt, which is where they've been stuck at all this time. The WM guy who started in got out just in time.

I'll tell you one thing.. I bet BB is kicking themselves in the ASS for not taking Netflix more seriously and getting into the online market to compete head-to-head from day one.
BUT.... I do prefer Blockbuster over Netflix personally, I've been with Blockbuster for years. You get the same mail service Netflix offers but with free in-store exchages as well which effectively doubles the movies you get compared to Netflix.
I noticed they launched some netflix like thing for phones on a commercial i saw. I wonder whats gonna happen with that. Either way im happy they bit the dust.
I always hated Blockbuster, felt it was a rip off to get movies from there. We have a chain here called 'Family Video' that has much better pricing and better rental terms so I almost always use them when renting which is rare in itself.