Blank Referers and CPA Networks


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Do all CPA Networks have a problem with blank referers? If you were to send all your traffic as blank referers would they care? Any ideas of which ones don't care, it's probably the shitty ones I presume. Fucking Affiliateer....

I have never ran traffic showing referers and never had problems.
I guess it depends if you have reputation
I have never ran traffic showing referers and never had problems.
I guess it depends if you have reputation

So when you were new, did you start off using blanks? Or did you start blanking your referrals after a little while?
I blank my referrers unless my AM already knows what my traffic source/method of promotion is.

So would you suggest I (new to a few CPA Networks) blank my referrers and I'd have no problem? And if the Aff Manager does ask should I just say I'm trying to protect my traffic sources or some shit like that?
As long as your traffic is backing out, and the advertiser isn't complaining, most networks won't care or even look into the fact that you are blanking your referrer.
Why go through the trouble, and look shady, when you can fake the referrer and avoid the conflict 100%?