Blackberries Suck


New member
Aug 19, 2010


This was my first blackberry. It was awesome. Could answer e-mail from anywhere, full size screen, awesome keyboard, and neat little wheel on right hand side to scroll through your inbox. Combined with the RIM Enterprise Server, pure mobile e-mail bliss. Plus, I could restore a replacement phone in minutes or remote wipe that phone I left out the night before. Sweet!

Fast forward 11 years. I'm in blackberry hell! Every blackberry I now own takes over 5 minutes to reboot. Proof here: [ame=]YouTube - BlackBerry Torch 9800 vs iPhone 4 Boot Time - BBLEAKS.COM[/ame]

The internet sucks on this thing, seriously. WTF is with this stupid little browser.

APPS? Yea right. RIM's pathetic excuse at an attempt to sell apps is Blackberry App World. Def a top 5 lame hit for me. WF you feel me? Seriously... who wrote this thing? They need to go work for microsoft in India or something (yea I'm nice, I'm sure you can think of something much worse).

So I leave it up to you. What should I do with the 20 or so blackberry devices I have laying around?

**I hope RIM has some sort of social monitoring for 'blackberries suck' and 'rim sucks'

I have a torch aswell - Can't fucking stand it. I'm going back to my old Curve, much for the same reasons as above.

I just want emails + phone.
I love my blackberry because of the email, size, easily type, and battery life. But I got the Curve with the ball in the middle and I can't move right with it anymore, it's getting extremely annoying. Not trying to hijack the thread, but any blackberry's or sprint phones you suggest? I kind of want the touch screen phones but I hear the battery life is horrible and you need to charge it 2-3 times a day. I could use my blackberry almost 2 days without charging it. Plus typing on a touch screen must be a pain.
It seems to me that RIM is hanging on to the business-class phone user with both hands.

Since the conception of the iPhone, Blackberry hasn't been able to compete. The storm was a junk phone, and the storm 2 came out what? 8 months after the first?

Many people and clients I work with say that the transition from Blackberry to Android, is a much easier task than Blackberry to iPhone.

@ItsYoBuddy: Sprint phone? EVO 4g. It's the #2 phone out right now. Insanely fast, big screen, etc.
Unfortunately RIM has fallen FAR behind iPhone and Android, the only thing I can see them doing is making their platform on Android in order to compete.
Blackberries... meh. 90% of the people who buy them seem to do it solely to seem more sophisticated - i.e. no monopoly (iPhone) just business. iPhone = 10 times better, imo. and itsyobuddy, battery life was never an issue for me on the iPhone, I definitely wasn't charging 2 times a day.
I love my blackberry because of the email, size, easily type, and battery life. But I got the Curve with the ball in the middle and I can't move right with it anymore, it's getting extremely annoying. Not trying to hijack the thread, but any blackberry's or sprint phones you suggest? I kind of want the touch screen phones but I hear the battery life is horrible and you need to charge it 2-3 times a day. I could use my blackberry almost 2 days without charging it. Plus typing on a touch screen must be a pain.

FYI, you can replace that little ball thing in the middle last time I checked. It's a delicate piece to reinstall but not impossible if you needed to. There are web sites out there that sell replacement parts.

Otherwise show up at my house. I'm going to blow up all my blackberry crap and I'm sure you'll find some pieces left over.:ak:
the new blackberry dakota (or whatever their calling it) looks pretty cool. i cant stand touch screen keyboards - i need something physical that isn't a slider/bulky. love the battery life on my bold.
why do all these phones have to be internet capable? Every time I turn my phone on, it wants to connect to the internet. I'm not paying for internet access but I have to go through that session before I can use the phone. Can't I just turn that feature off? oh, wait, I know, then they wouldn't have the opportunity to charge me for data usage. It's not like my cell phone bill isn't already larger than my house phone bill.
I've got a Bold. I like the hardware with exception to the lack of RAM of 9700 has, but the OS seems too closed in comparison to the Android and iOS.
I have the BB tour on my one line and a droid on my other, so I am constantly comparing. I honestly like the simplistic nature of the BB. Sure its not as powerful as the droid, but the battery also lasts twice as long. BBM is a must for me tho.
BBM is cool, but even the hardcore BB engineers I know are now using iphone. I can't stand the touch keyboard of course... Guess I'll never be happy. Might as well double side sticky tape an iphone to a blackberry. one for e-mail, calendar, tasks (aka making money) and the other for surfing the inet.

and swipe you say? haha... install ssh on your android and see who gets farther.