Black Hat with Xsitepro

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Aug 30, 2007
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A number of months ago my partner started hounding me about using xsitepro as a page generator.

I referred him here:
X-Site Pro Website Building Tool

And told him to figure it out. He couldn't. So I settled down over the phone and walked him through things. He still had a problem and that was adding content to each of the generated pages.

Turns out there is no existing help for this in the xsitepro forum and no way of adding content easily to the pages you generate.

I coded up about a dozen different places that pulls in the content based on the keywords you enter in. Tested and tweaked for a couple weeks.... and then I made video and pdf training to go along with it.

The end result is a wet dream for anyone wanting to use Xsitepro to generate lot's of pages and have content on them.

Go black hat, go grey, or just add a handful of keyword based pages to any xsitepro site you have.

This is for those of you who aren't programmers, can't make scrappers, etc.. You need Xsitepro.

Xsite Pro - Black Hat Training

I'll be providing basic 'data sets' in the future as well. Nothing fancy just different ways to use the same concepts to grow your sites. It's full priced at $97 but I just sorta pulled the number out my butt when I made the sales page. It's going to end up at about half that when I get around to it. In the mean time you guys can still have a discount.

Feel free to let me know what data sets your interested in as well. Working on the U.S. cities now - and will probably do England next.
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