black hat digest / niche site special

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New member
Mar 1, 2008
i know stmdeveloper is a member here, but i would like to get your take on this "30 day program".

what's your skinny on this? for the record, i am trying to stay where the light shines. is it worth the time/money/effort above and beyond info that is found at wf?


ps. if you don't like my question in this section, please excuse me and fuck off. i am too fucking old to care.

I had a read around there, here's some thoughts on it:

It is based on Eli's SEO Empire post, and Eli commented about it in the follow-up:

Why Build Up? Why Not Down?
I normally don’t check my Technorati very often but the other day I caught a very interesting one. Someone plans on writing an article similar to my SEO Empire Part 1 except teach people how to build a money site, then build the foundation and basement below it. It’s essentially the same concept except you can jump straight to money sites. Here’s the problem with that. Look at the chart above. That allows me to accomplish the requirements for any new site in a single day. If you build money sites then build downward it would take several days to a week or two worth of work to get what you were needing with every site launch. It kind of defeats the purpose and isn’t practical in the long run. The second point being is the speed at which you’ll be adding new money sites. No point in building a foundation or basement site for the sole reason of promoting a single money site, so every one you build you have to look back through your other money sites and add them in as well to your new foundation and basement site. Management of foundation and basement sites are easy, management of money sites becomes increasingly difficult the larger your empire grows. I’m still looking forward to reading the post though.

The marketing style is very ebooky and it seems to have attracted people from the Warrior Forum, it may have been promoted there.

At present, "30 days.." is misleading as over half of the tutorial isn't yet available.

However, there is a lot of good info there and the tools and scripts appear to be very useful. I had a quick look at one of the site templates and it looked very good, esp for a freebie.

His writing style is great, easy for anyone to follow. Aimed at newcomers, but occasionally assuming prior knowledge that isn't covered in the tutorial series.

Initially I thought it was trying to be like SQUIRT, but it seems both the target audience and the tools provided are different. SQUIRT provides a main tool for quick indexing and a forum that assumes a certain level of knowledge, NSS is aimed more at newcomers with a main long-term promotion tool. Although both based on the same empire-building methods, there doesn't seem to be any overlap in the two services.

NSS is very cheap, in my opinion probably worth it initially for the scripts, and worthwhile continuing depending on how well the promotion tool performs and the tutorial series progresses.
Figured I'd chime in :)

Black Hat Digest isn't finished - won't be for a long time.... but I'm upfront about that since in some cases I have programming to do or am just plain busy. I also like to see the reaction and questions I get to see if I'm going to fast for folks, or getting to technical or not techie enough.... so it will probably be a year before I'm done everything I want to put in there.... and I probably won't stop at 30 days. There is enough in the first 11 days to keep you busy for a year if you work though - so no bitching :) Anyway it's free, there is enough there for you to work with indefinitely, and I'm always adding stuff.

Is it geared towards newbies - yep. For the more experienced folks making big money - you don't need tutorials do you? There are great blogs and forums like Perks Cache or Tellinya that provide code and advanced ideas.

NSS 2 isn't and shouldn't be compared to squirt at all. The part that folks like to compare to squirt is the "promotion center". Unlike Squirt I'm not trying to get you indexed - it's a slow link builder and you have to put in a good bit more info than you do with squirt.

Also unlike squirt where it's mostly databases - I give tools and services instead of concentrating on databases. A lot of our members aren't great coders (or coders at all) and the databases would just sit there.
A lot of our members aren't great coders (or coders at all) and the databases would just sit there.

But isn't this the crux of the problem? I mean, I have to be the worlds worst coder but I can at least throw something together. I know that you can certainly do quite a bit without knowing how to code but there's a point where you hit a wall and need to learn. Far better to do this at the start, no? That way the wannabes drop out straight away and only the ones who are serious about learning will stick with it.
But isn't this the crux of the problem? I mean, I have to be the worlds worst coder but I can at least throw something together. I know that you can certainly do quite a bit without knowing how to code but there's a point where you hit a wall and need to learn. Far better to do this at the start, no? That way the wannabes drop out straight away and only the ones who are serious about learning will stick with it.

Not sure I agree with you there. How many people are buying ebooks and crap trying to get rich overnight with out learning a thing? Since I help everyone when they need it I know how much many people are learning. We've got people putting up their first sites, people learning dreamweaver, people learning php, etc... We've also got a lot of folks who know their stuff - it's a good mix.
Ok I joined the other day, mostly just for the link distribution script (figured that alone was worth it). But there definitely is useful info there too for intermediate guys like myself. Due to paypal/card probs I had to use eCheque (no idea why paypal seems to allow them for subscriptions, but not Direct Debit!) it's just gone out so hopefully should get to have a play with it soon - I'll report back!

Btw, if anyone was thinking about it it seems to still be $37/month although he said it was going back up a few days ago (it says $67 but when ya go to subscribe it's still $37). Not sure how the referrals work there but if anyone wants to use this link... ;)
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