Bizznizz-op niche tips? Demo's? Traffic sources..?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Im moving from the dating niche to the bizzop niche, i was wondering if someone with bizzop experience could give me some pointers...

Offcourse im testing my own crea's, demo's etcetc but i would be great to have some "jump"-start to test my campaigns with..


some very profitable traffic sources for bizopps include ezanga, adbrite, adengage, adperium

Im moving from the dating niche to the bizzop niche, i was wondering if someone with bizzop experience could give me some pointers...

Offcourse im testing my own crea's, demo's etcetc but i would be great to have some "jump"-start to test my campaigns with..


Check your pm inbox. You should have a bunch of emails from members here containing all of their hard earned data and experience.
I run gamevance on trafficvance and stay ballin with a 400% ROI. Bid on the targets games and game. 1.7c bid is high enough. Just make sure when you send the offer for approval, you first redirect it to some other game, like those pogo games. Since TV runs gamevance internally, and doesn't want to share profits with others. So once the offer gets approved, switch the link out to one of the shooting gamevance offers, and get ready to bank. Doing about $4,000-$5,000 profit a day right now.

Reason why I'm spilling the beans is cause I got pussy for the first time today. So I'm in a happy mood. If you need a referral for TV, drop my account name - ROIShare (pun intended)
Definitely ezanga.... Im killing teeth and biz daily on ezanga... My rep there quit though, so i cant give you a hookup now, maybe later.
I <3 this board

edit: btw you guys can make fun of shitty 45nd tier "download/play" torrent traffic sources all day long but a real marketeer finds ways to make even that shitty traffic profitable.. I had 1k+ profit days with dating with Adperium WITHOUT the new retargeting option wich is pretty bad-ass to btw.

You guys just bashin because you still live in 2008 and after you got banned on Adwords you copied your Adwerdz landers and campagin over to Adbrite in a $200 campaign with no succes offcourse, and now you're wasting time bashing shitty traffic sources on a public forum because you can't make them profitble... People are banking hard on this sources just find your way...

Choose your GEO wiseley....
I <3 this board

edit: btw you guys can make fun of shitty 45nd tier "download/play" torrent traffic sources all day long but a real marketeer finds ways to make even that shitty traffic profitable.. I had 1k+ profit days with dating with Adperium WITHOUT the new retargeting option wich is pretty bad-ass to btw.

You guys just bashin because you still live in 2008 and after you got banned on Adwords you copied your Adwerdz landers and campagin over to Adbrite in a $200 campaign with no succes offcourse, and now you're wasting time bashing shitty traffic sources on a public forum because you can't make them profitble... People are banking hard on this sources just find your way...

Choose your GEO wiseley....

So remind me again? If you are such an expert with these traffic sources, why don't you go and run with them instead of begging for information in this thread.
If you read my OP you can see that i will test my own traffic, offers etc. but since i dont have a lot of experience in the MMO niche i was wondering if there are some things to look out for. For example a specific demographic i might have not tought about of people who buy this clickbank products.

I'm not the type of guy who asks or needs a magic bullit...
If you read my OP you can see that i will test my own traffic, offers etc. but since i dont have a lot of experience in the MMO niche i was wondering if there are some things to look out for. For example a specific demographic i might have not tought about of people who buy this clickbank products.

I'm not the type of guy who asks or needs a magic bullit...

Your thread title clearly says "Traffic Sources?" which is why you're being poked fun at.

No one is going to tell you shit, especially traffic sources, purely because they have spent hard earned money testing those variables to find out which of them works and which of them suck. By giving you the info you want you are basically given free entry into the market at their expense. Does this seem fair to you?