bitch hit my car


New member
Dec 22, 2007
bitch hit my car, must've bumped it while trying to park. Shes my neighbor as well. I've already filed a report and taken pictures of the damage which pretty much match exactly, but she wont respond when I try to contact her. her roomates wont even give out her number. I'm running out of ideas... send her more threatening letters? I've already said I wanted to get this over with since court is costly. What should I do to scare her ass? I already filed a report online since this was on private property and there were no witnesses.

If you can get her alone, threaten her and say that you will damage her property which will incur costs much larger than what it would cost just to repair your stuff.

Don't get caught making such threats obviously. You could send a message by slashing her tyres.
she owns the only van that parks there. Shes assigned the parking. serious responses please.
Lawyer up lol

go to court or contact your insurance if thats how it works in your state/province

Accident report with police?
she owns the only van that parks there. Shes assigned the parking. serious responses please.

I was serious. She is dodging you and the longer you leave it, the harder it will be for you to get her to pay. You've already alluded to the fact you can't be fucked taking her to court so what other choice do you have but to get heavy handed unless you're the sort of person that allows bitches to walk over you, damage your shit and walk away.
Call the cops and report it...they will come and get your statement as well as hers. if you do have to go to court having a police report will help, it means you went the legal route vs scaring the shit out of her
Steal the tires off of her van and leave it on cinder blocks. Happen to be around when she sees her wheels are missing and insinuate that you have a set that would go nicely on her van, for the cost of the damages to your car. That or file a police report and take her to small claims court if you don't have comprehensive auto insurance.
1. crash your car into her van at the highest speed possible
2. set the wreck on fire
3. ???
4. profit
We're missing some pretty pertinent details...

What type of damage did your car sustain?

What kind of car is it?

Do you have insurance?

And finally, is the girl hot?
See if the DMV will give you her insurance info. If you know the company and lic. number you can just file a claim against her insurance.
Police report. Causing damage to a vehicle and not (as gay as this sounds) leaving a not or contacting the owner is a crime in most US states. If there's damage to your vehicle and matching damage to hers, the police will figure it out. Let a cop take your statement, he'll do the minimum amount of work (contact her, look at her vehicle) then he'll have to file a report.

Use the report and police action as leverage.
Start documenting everything. Take pictures of your car. Look at the damage on your car for paint scrapes or chips that might be from her car. Measure the damage in inches off the ground. Then look at her van and measure the bumper and corner of her van for inches off the ground.

If this gets to an insurance company or court these are the best things that will help you.

Possible also video tape her leaving and coming into the spot if she does it regularly.
Does the DMV keep a record of everyones insurance information in AZ? The DMV doesn't have that info here in MN.

Many states require it on the records but few allow public access to it.

Knife + sidewalls + forgetting about it and moving on with your life.

Or - you could be more subtle about it. Grab a very large stone (like river rock) or a cinder block brick from Home Depot. Neatly place a small towel or something soft on the hood of her car. Carefully place the stone/brick on the soft item with a note attached to it claiming 'It could have been worse' then hide out on your balcony and wait for the show.