Bing + Yahoo = Done.


New member
Mar 13, 2008
Ma's Basement
Received this just moments ago in email: Looks like all Bing and Yahoo ad's will be run through a system run by Bing. Nice.

Microsoft® and Yahoo! have now received regulatory clearance to form the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance in the United States and European Union. This milestone is an exciting step in our effort to give your business a time-saving and cost-efficient way to connect with a larger combined audience of potential customers.

How the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance benefits you
After the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance is implemented, you will:

  • Reach more potential customers: Search ad inventory from both the Yahoo! and Microsoft networks will be joined in a new, unified search marketplace powered by Bing™ , with a combined audience of over 150 million searchers in the U.S and nearly 577 million searchers worldwide.1
  • Save valuable time and effort: You'll use a single platform—Microsoft adCenter—to manage your campaigns easier and faster. With just one buy, your search ads will reach users on Bing, Yahoo!, and other premium partner sites and networks, such as The Wall Street Journal Digital Network,,, Facebook, and
What's ahead
For now, it's business as usual; there is no change to your account or service. Your ads will continue to serve on Bing search results pages, and you will continue to receive the same great service from Microsoft.

Both companies are committed to making this transition a seamless experience. Our goal is to bring the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance to the U.S. by the end of 2010, prior to the crucial holiday season, with additional countries following on a staggered schedule beginning in 2011.
As our transition dates approach, we will contact you with information about what to do next. In order to ensure you continue to receive important service updates, please verify your contact information is current in Microsoft adCenter. View our help topic: Change contact information. How to learn more
In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance by visiting our new resource,, where you'll find plenty of additional details, including press releases, FAQs, and more!

We appreciate your business and look forward to bringing you the benefits of the Yahoo! and Microsoft Search Alliance.


The Microsoft adCenter Team

1) Did you get that on your adcenter account e-mail ? Me not ( not yet at least

2) Can we use yahoo ppc like usual ? I just wish it was Bing under Yahoo...

3) I bet 150mil+ search in US was counted not by uniques, cause how many left for Google ? They counted person even if he use all 3 engines and we don't know how much they crossed between yahoo and bing.
I was just about to post this myself.

I think this will be very interesting! Looks like this will probably come in late Summer (they said before next holiday season). I'm anxious! Everything as of right now is working like normal until then.
Just posted this in the industry news section shoulda come here first, holy shit heh maybe they're going to really give it a shot
1) Did you get that on your adcenter account e-mail ? Me not ( not yet at least

2) Can we use yahoo ppc like usual ? I just wish it was Bing under Yahoo...

3) I bet 150mil+ search in US was counted not by uniques, cause how many left for Google ? They counted person even if he use all 3 engines and we don't know how much they crossed between yahoo and bing.

I received it from BOTH Yahoo and Bing within 15 mins of each other.
I'm not crazy about it because my Yahoo account operates much better than my MSN account, and I have no idea how they are going to merge the shit. Which account are they going to keep of the 2, etc? ughh
LOLLLLL at algorithmic performance!!!! They should just let us do our job. Unrelated keyword bidding, the whole dealio. They MADDDD?!??!?! Their investors should be. Srsly I wish this was 2005 :(

Oh btw, does anyone know how Microsoft content publisher pays out compared to YPN?
I prefer Adcenter over Yahoo's platform personally. There's some small things in Yahoo that I haven't liked much. I don't care for the whole "advanced" and "standard" type thing they have going at Yahoo. I'm looking forward to seeing exactly how this is going to effect my account.

What I hope they will do is have some way to import from Yahoo into the Adcenter with an easy click, otherwise, my guess is that they would simply make your Yahoo account inactive and just use your Adcenter campaigns across the board. We'll see though. I'm sure they have already thought of this.
They just need to bring ask and aol and rest shitty engines which total would be another 7% of search and be real number 2 with 35+ % marketshare. Without QS and other bs of course:)
Finally a real opponent for Google. I hope Google plans on making mad monies from their fiber network bc I think their days of relying on Adwords are about to end.
Hope they change the payment to AdCenter like, no more pre-paid like Yahoo. Also, I hope they don't mis-charge us if we don't use the account like I have heard some people complaining that they've got charged even without using yahoo.