Bing PPC traffic Fraud?


New member
Nov 7, 2007
Anyone using Bing/yahoo and had complaints from the advertiser that clicks/leads appeared to be bot generated? My AM told me the advertiser is convinced it's BS traffic. I gave him screenshots of my adcenter account to show him it's a legit campaign, advertiser doesn't want to hear it. So it looks like the options are take 3k is the ass, or get take the 3k in the ass and dropped outright by the network, of whom I have been a good citizen for 11 years. Kinda sux. We ran search and limited content. My campaign manager already filed a complaint with adcenter but it's not like we have any stroke here. Advertiser blows 7 figures with network, and adcenter could care less that something is shady with their content partners.

Out the network and offer.

Probably another case of, "if the advertiser doesn't pay us, we don't pay you."

Did you send them traffic logs from your server? Did you try split testing the traffic to a similar offer on another network and see how it backed out for them?

Haven't ran much on Bing since the transition with Yahoo! but I haven't been hearing great things about them lately. Mostly LP/campaign approval related though.
yeh not sure about the whole bot generated shit. seems weird.

per the bing/yahoo - they haev been being pretty fuckin lame lately. 3 of my accts were suspended for a ton of reasons they dont care to mention.. even my DL campaigns were flagged.
I'll out the offer and network once i have final word. Funny part is the AM was pushing me to switch to another similar offer right before they got these complaints. At least the network's internal compliance says they see nothing wrong.
i ran a DL campaign on adcenter and after about a week and a few hundred in leads, i got booted by the advertiser. which was VERY surprising considering that i thought the traffic was pretty targeted.

adcenter also did some weird shit during "maintenance" on saturday. i noticed cpcs got jacked up and my ad positiosn dropped
I used to see these bots on yahoo traffic last year, so i assume they are running the same scam with bing now.

It's pretty clever because they click on your LP links, so your LP ctr looks great and you think the traffic is good, but of course it never converts... If you watch these bots in clicktale, you can see they click through your LP, and then just sit on the next page for about 60-90 seconds, and then click off. Of course they are US based IP's, so it's pretty tough to find unless you own the offer page and can see it all the way through via clicktale.

I assume from your post you were getting paid CPC/per download? I have never seen the bots create fake leads (maybe this is new) so if that is the case not sure what is going on.... but I have def seen the bot stuff and only on yahoo search partners.

Of course as an affiliate you can never see the clicktale action on the offer page, so everything looks normal on your end. You need to not allow bing search partner traffic, but adcenter does not make it easy to find this option...
i ran a DL campaign on adcenter and after about a week and a few hundred in leads, i got booted by the advertiser. which was VERY surprising considering that i thought the traffic was pretty targeted.

adcenter also did some weird shit during "maintenance" on saturday. i noticed cpcs got jacked up and my ad positiosn dropped

they introduced Quality score and thats why ur bids got jacked up. Read up online
I used to see these bots on yahoo traffic last year, so i assume they are running the same scam with bing now.

It's pretty clever because they click on your LP links, so your LP ctr looks great and you think the traffic is good, but of course it never converts... If you watch these bots in clicktale, you can see they click through your LP, and then just sit on the next page for about 60-90 seconds, and then click off. Of course they are US based IP's, so it's pretty tough to find unless you own the offer page and can see it all the way through via clicktale.

I assume from your post you were getting paid CPC/per download? I have never seen the bots create fake leads (maybe this is new) so if that is the case not sure what is going on.... but I have def seen the bot stuff and only on yahoo search partners.

Of course as an affiliate you can never see the clicktale action on the offer page, so everything looks normal on your end. You need to not allow bing search partner traffic, but adcenter does not make it easy to find this option...
Yeah, but they never sign up to anything so it doesn't impact the advertiser at all because they don't have to pay out bot leads.

All it does is make it slightly harder for you to accurately track your numbers.

Also, anyone who advertises on Bing knows about those bots, and every affiliate network should know about them too.