Bill Gates to join Wickedfire (possibly)

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Superstar DJ!
Oct 5, 2006
Button Moon
I managed to get a VERY quick chat with Microsoft's Bill Gates earlier and asked him to join the forum which he says he would take a look at tonight. One of his guys actually wrote down the URL so you never know :)

I did try and get a photo but the guy had some major security with him

yea, not that it would ever happen, we say a few to many ass, fucks etc but why would you want the straight as an arrow annoying asspony to come to this forum? so we can stop talking about "black hat" all he needs to know is he could make more money with adcenter if he could get more traffic cause the traffic quality is rockin!
Hey.. maybe Billy Gates wants to let loose and join our wonderful forum.

We already have the CEO of as a member here, and a bunch of Google, YPN/Yahoo!, and MSN guys here, although they are mostly lurkers.
Look at what this forum did to all of us.

Do we really want to see the dark side of BillG?

The Microsoft Gang are in Edinburgh right now for the Government Leaders Forum and Bill was kicking about with (First Minister) Jack McConnell most of the day. I managed to get a quick chat because I know one of the press guys who was there and let me in.

I was originally planning to take a WF T shirt for Bill or a WF banner to put over the railings but my pal said he would get sacked if his boss found out so a chat was all i could do.

I might try again tomorrow if I get a press ticket again and take a video camera for a WF exclusive interview lol
.... well, his last activity was at (Scotland time) 10 o clock.... any of the mod's/admin's want to check the IP to see where it's from :) ?
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