Biggest US Pimp, Craigslist Adult gone


Illusion has become real.
May 27, 2009
Northern Mexico
Bitches be crying...

Bad news for Craigslist users who like to peruse the Erotic Services Adult Services section of their site. It’s gone, replaced by a large black and white “censored” logo. I’ve reached out to Craigslist for comment and await their reply. But the choice of words is significant – the section wasn’t simply removed, the censored word was used.
The site has been embattled as old press and state attorneys general use any excuse to blame sex crimes on the site. From South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster’s failed crusade against them to a variety of press stories about sex and other crimes. If it’s just a sex crime it isn’t a story. But if a listing on Craigslist was involved, it’s a big story
full story: Craigslist Censored: Adult Section Comes Down

harro be crying

.- "Nah fool, I been had cookies yo"

Boy did you hit the nail on the head. My wife is teaching me a lesson with no sex. I've had more fun with CL women than I ever thought I would. CL was not the problem, it was my wife.

Yeah, the webmasters at GFY are all in an uproar.. few are quickly to point the finger at republicans but as someone there pointed out..

Of the 17 attorney generals that joined Connecticut's Attorney General (Richard Blumenthal - Democrat) to force CL to remove the adult services section 12 are Democrat.

Democrat Dustin McDaniel - Arkansas
Republican Lawrence Wasden - Idaho
Democrat Lisa Madigan - Illinois
Democrat Thomas John Miller - Iowa
Democrat Stephen Six - Kansas
Democrat Doug Gansler - Maryland
Republican Mike Cox - Michigan
Democrat Jim Hood - Mississippi
Democrat Chris Koster - Missouri
Democrat Steve Bullock - Montana
Democrat Michael Delaney - New Hampshire
Democrat Richard Cordray - Ohio
Democrat Patrick C. Lynch - Rhode Island
Republican Henry McMaster - South Carolina
Democrat Robert E. Cooper, Jr. - Tennessee
Republican Greg Abbott - Texas
Republican Ken Cuccinelli - Virginia

Attorney General: Attorney General, Joined By 17 Other States, Calls On Craigslist To Eliminate Adult Services Section
According to the list ^ the West Coast loves the free ads for hos. It's almost winter, the streets get cold. Why not let the bitches post some pics and wait for calls? This is bullshit.