Biggest "Players" on this site?

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Jun 25, 2006
Who are the big earners on here? i see Kieron from ukoffer is on here.

Maybe we should have a list of the big earners on forum?

I'd be in the 1k-2k/m group. :( :D

Dont you dare forget about Jon...

Besides him and Kieron... no clue.

One day you can add my name to the list!
Pain said:
I think Kieron and Jon are the only ones in the 50k+ a month group.

Jon has posted a few screen caps from his CJ over on sitepoint... might be safe to say he is in the 100k+ a month group.
I don't know what i would do with all that money,probably go into real estate with it.
Pain said:
I don't know what i would do with all that money,probably go into real estate with it.

I'd probably stick to this. Would help out newbs like myself just like Jon does. Well... as long as I was having as much fun as I am now.
Don't forget about Aaron Wall, who created -- He's a big player, even if he doesn't want to be. I actually respect Aaron Wall a lot, because as much of a capitalist that I may be, he is just the opposite, he spends his time and talent with seo doing things that benefit public awareness for causes like anti-smoking (I'm a smoker). I think it takes a lot of guts to not sit there and make a shitload of money, but instead do things for public awareness like he does. He gets my vote, tenfold.
Andrew Johnson, also, despite what he may think, is definitely going to be a big player. He has the drive and talent to soon become a dominant force in the blogging game.
Cool idea to have those sitepointers in a more relaxed forum, where they can be more themselves instead of being the all-knowing guru gods

b.t.w. don't forget me, I might not earn that much, but ima hustler, baby ;)
Jon said:
Andrew Johnson, also, despite what he may think, is definitely going to be a big player. He has the drive and talent to soon become a dominant force in the blogging game.

Are either of them around here though Jon? Main poster was asking how many are around here... although I do agree those are so big names.
VinSVT said:
Are either of them around here though Jon? Main poster was asking how many are around here... although I do agree those are so big names.

Andrew Johnson is (I saw his sig link for his Web Publishing Blog on another thread)
Aaron Wall posts under the name seobook -- he was one of the first to join.. I doubt he's going to be very active, because he's more of a blogger, than a forum guy. is his residence.
Gotta be Wordpress, a world of plug-ins to add to the basic installation and it's piss easy to skin as well.

Being open source it's free as well, I wouldn't use any other blogging software for my blogs these days.
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