Biggest full moon in 15 years

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Pfft... I rather get my drink on and get fucking hammered at my bar of choice than freeze my balls off to look at the fucking moon.

Other then that, it does look cool
I actualy saw that coming in to work this morning, I was wondering if I was lossing my sense of proportion. It's actualy an awesome :nopenope: full moon.
Don't make a mess in your pants just yet:

"The size may be striking when it's near the horizon," said Robert Massey of the UK Royal Astronomical Society.

However, he cautioned against expecting too much.

"The Moon may be brighter and may appear somewhat larger, but it's really quite hard for the eye to notice the difference; the eye will compensate for the extra brightness, it's not like going from night to day," said Dr Massey.

He also said that the moon appearing larger near the horizon is a psychological illusion... pretty cool.
come on no one has done this yet in the thread?

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