Big Sites Rule Small Sites Drool?

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New member
Apr 27, 2007
With the exercise nazis
According to one school of thought, big sites are the way to go for real money on the internet. I agree 100% on this. Having a big site does ensure long term stability and staying power, and it does open doors with advertising that isn't available to small sites. Small sites may make a quick buck, but that income can easily evaporate and requires much more work than a big site IMO.

According to Mr. Chow , big sites are the way to go for real money on the internet. I agree with him 100% on this. Having a big site does ensure long term stability and staying power, and it does open doors with advertising that isn't available to small sites. Small sites may make a quick buck, but that income can easily evaporate and requires much more work than a big site IMO.

Why do you link to him? Does his blog really need more kidding

My advice is to create lots of little sites and then develop the ones that show promise into big sites and discard the ones that appear to be failing.

It is a fallacy to assume that a site is going to be 'big' or 'small' before you even have a chance to gauge its performance.
According to Chow big sites are the way to go for real money on the internet. I agree with him 100% on this. Having a big site does ensure long term stability and staying power, and it does open doors with advertising that isn't available to small sites. Small sites may make a quick buck, but that income can easily evaporate and requires much more work than a big site IMO.

Why do you link to him? Does his blog really need more kidding

My advice is to create lots of little sites and then develop the ones that show promise into big sites and discard the ones that appear to be failing.

It is a fallacy to assume that a site is going to be 'big' or 'small' before you even have a chance to gauge its performance.
I think people should just do what they're comfortable with. There are so many options out there to make money online. Some people would go crazy developing large content sites, while others see no value in one-page sales sites. It's really a matter of personal preference. There is no right answer.
What The fuck does John Chow know about SEM?

Ok, I don't like him either. BUT...he is good at what he does. He makes money from it. Would I employ all his methods? No. But I do know that a big site could crush me for any niche I choose to be in as a small site unless I'm willing to throw PPC money at it.
Ok, I don't like him either. BUT...he is good at what he does. He makes money from it. Would I employ all his methods? No. But I do know that a big site could crush me for any niche I choose to be in as a small site unless I'm willing to throw PPC money at it.

He is good at stroking his bloated ego. **** him
No offense to you blondetm, infact you're cool.

but we've had some really great idea threads going here lately that have been helping a lot of people. The value of this place has really gone up and people are starting to learn from one another. It's a good thing.

The last thing we need is threads spewing out john chow crap. His idea of content is talking about how much he likes food and begging for links and talking about how much money the two make him. If we're going to go down the road of listening to him we might as well start discussing David Naylor's b-b-b-b-black hat ideas and Shoemoney's PPC strategies. Hell while we're at it we can talk about Jensense's thoughts on arbitrage. It's all about as equally worthless as john chows business advice. Do we really want to be one of those forums?

The whole reason I'm here is to get away from that kind of crap.
LOL Eli. I came across Jensense's blog for the first time yesterday... I quickly browsed through it and came across some posts that just made me cringed. It's written to the lowest common denominator of people trying to make money online. I don't understand how these fools live with themselves. Why are they even wasting their time. :: sigh ::
I apologize Deliguy, I had no idea. I've only read about three posts on his entire blog and this one struck me as sensible. I didn't realize he talked out of both sides of his mouth. I'll remove the link, and base the discussion on the basic premise.
sorry i didn't mean to come across as a jerk about it.

It's just one of those heated topics for me. :)

+rep for being cool about it.
While Chow might not know SEM...

he obviously knows sexy.
No offense to you blondetm, infact you're cool.

but we've had some really great idea threads going here lately that have been helping a lot of people. The value of this place has really gone up and people are starting to learn from one another. It's a good thing.

The last thing we need is threads spewing out john chow crap. His idea of content is talking about how much he likes food and begging for links and talking about how much money the two make him. If we're going to go down the road of listening to him we might as well start discussing David Naylor's b-b-b-b-black hat ideas and Shoemoney's PPC strategies. Hell while we're at it we can talk about Jensense's thoughts on arbitrage. It's all about as equally worthless as john chows business advice. Do we really want to be one of those forums?

The whole reason I'm here is to get away from that kind of crap.
I have no problem with jensense; I believe she has a genuine interest in helping people out with adsense. I generally have a problems with bloated egos though.
I have no problem with jensense; I believe she has a genuine interest in helping people out with adsense. I generally have a problems with bloated egos though.

I think bloated egos are a byproduct of what they start out to do. They get caught up in their own success, then get caught up in the adoration of that success. It's like a drug. Being admired is something they crave, so they get to the point that they'll churn out anything to keep it going.

It's a shame. There are a lot of great minds out there that sell out and they lose what they really did best.
I have no problem with jensense; I believe she has a genuine interest in helping people out with adsense. I generally have a problems with bloated egos though.

It takes 2 hours to learn everything you need to know about adsense. How can someone possibly regurgitate some much shit over and over with chocking on their own vomit?
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