Big rankings changes across the board


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Any one else have a weird SEO day?

I've had crazy dancing of 30+ sites today, nothing has been untouched. Sites that have been holding solid for months raising and dropping 5-10 pages.

A number 1 i've had solid for 6 months and top 3 for 12 has dropped to 8, competition hasn't changed, I do steady gradual link building to keep it up there, and change content as needed.

Out of 28 sites I pay close attention to 16 have changed spots 5 or so places just today.

I'd be surprised if no one is seeing similar, seems strange I have so much going on. Domains are over 3 hosting accounts, half in analytics, half in piwik. Tracking with sescout and verified manually.

Will be interesting to see how it all settles over the next few days.

Several people have reported this although I've not seen anything quite as drastic. Maybe it hasn't reached my part of the world yet.

Just some different rankings from different data centres and quite a bit of jumping around on the same page.
Seeing similar. One site that had been increasing steadily just had a few key pages drop down. Had done some backlinking recently but nothing major.

This same site also had some big jumps so hard to say what's going on with it, might be isolated, too soon to tell.

Had one EDM that had disapeared for months come back though.
Other than the usual 1-2 spot movements, nothing major.

Tracking dozens of sites.
I am seeing the big movements also - in fact it's almost like the serps have been rolled back a month as a lot of pages have dropped back to where they were just after Panda was rolled out in the UK (the pages had all climbed back up in the meantime)
I'm seeing big and small movements for about a dozen sites. I've got some leaping hundreds of spots, other dropping 50-60 spots. Most moving up and down 2-3 spots.
Yep, had my biggest money site drop DRASTICALLY from being on Page 1 of Google for several terms (Top 1 -5 positions) to nowhere. Freaking out right now to say the least. Haven't done anything out of the ordinary on this site so have no idea what's going on. Hopefully it's temporary.
my results so far, few straggler sites that I don't have being tracked so I gotta go manual next.

unranked/sandboxed to #4 sandboxed 3-4 months
unranked/sandboxed to #12 sandboxed 2 months
unranked/sandboxed to #7 sandboxed 6 months
unranked/sandboxed to #13 sandboxed 5 months
unranked/sandboxed to #53 sandboxed 3 months. (expected this one to come back the highest as it had the better more spread out link profile spread to all pages, etc and more social...weird)
#3 to #1
#2 to #1
#30 to #12

those were main keywords for all different pages. I was psyched with this. I'd expect something like this to roll out for other people soon as well.
same shit here, about 50% of keywords down a couple of positions, some are down 10-15 spots