Big payouts/less volume VS. small payouts/large volume

Which Type Of Offers Do You Prefer To Run?

  • Higher Payouts But Fewer Conversions

    Votes: 25 33.8%
  • Lower Payouts With A Large Volume Of Conversions

    Votes: 36 48.6%
  • Dude, I Make $1M A Month Off My Vonage Campaign

    Votes: 13 17.6%

  • Total voters
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I personally have only done low payout with a higher conversion rate.. Which has worked out well for me.
I'm the inverse of most folks on WF, just because my background is in products / e-tailing. Most WF'ers focus on things like lead gen (zip submit, email submit, full form submit) or clickthroughs. Not a lot of discussion on WF about product promotion & affiliate transactions.

I got started in the affiliate marketing world as an affiliate manager for a small home products company - our average sale paid 10% on an average sale of $380, but the conversion rate was low - maybe 2-4% on qualified traffic. However, my good affiliates really were generating a ton of cash for themselves - For every 100 clicks they sent they could count on affiliate earnings around $100. It all came down to qualifying the traffic before the click.
too many variables...i have done both with success / failures

that's pretty much the truth, both can be successful. I personally focus on the small payouts w/volume. Overall it's easier, all you have to do is get traffic. With the big payouts you have to get people willing to spend money (obviously a little harder).
I've had a lot more luck with larger payouts and less volume, but I'm still really new when it comes to zip/e-mail/form submits. At this point, I find it much easier to figure out the benefits of a product and put it in front of someone who is looking for that product.
This seems like a NOOB discussion. Why does it matter what the payout it? They key is conversion and if you have the site/data/idea's to market the offer to a relevant consumer base.

We have soo many affiliates that take a competitor's offer because the payout is $2-$3 more, even though our offer converts better when testing head to head.

Payout doesn't mean anything, its the effective CPM or just a straight comparison of what generates more money based on how you are marketing.

If you have a financial site, and market our Credit Report offer for $17, and it converts at 15% from each click, or an un-related offer that pays out $100 but only converts at 2% --- our offer would make you more money every day of the week.

Look at conversions and relevancy before worrying about the payout -- just make sure you are getting a good payout and a middle-man is not eating up a part of your payout.
Like i mentioned earlier, this is the type of shit they talk about all day on digital point. Theres about a million threads that start with something like "LOL WUD U RATHR HAV 1000 SITEZ MAKING $1 PER DAY OR 1 SITE MAKNG $1000 PER DAY LOL"
Probably volume as that generally means more traffic and more ways I can think to monetize the increased traffic.
Like i mentioned earlier, this is the type of shit they talk about all day on digital point. Theres about a million threads that start with something like "LOL WUD U RATHR HAV 1000 SITEZ MAKING $1 PER DAY OR 1 SITE MAKNG $1000 PER DAY LOL"

Yeah but I was wondering what people on WickedFire, who speak English and have a brain, prefer. ;)
I think it would make more sense to get a larger VOLUME, rather than larger PAYOUT, because if you're generating a contact list, the larger the list becomes the more value you can extract from it in the future.

If you're not intending to build a customer base, then higher payout would make more sense.
This is such an amateur question. Payout doesn't matter, net and roi do. If you cant do the math and figure which offer provides the best value for your traffic then you need to get a job.

Ignore the payout, test offers on your traffic and determine which one provides the best return and then run that.
As of now I have had my best success with higher payouts. As I learn how to generate massive amounts of traffic I will check out the lower payouts. For now I deal with a lot of targeted traffic and it is working well
Keep in mind some big payouts, like with a lot of biz ops, require the user to not only pay 10 bucks on a CC submit, but they have to scroll through pages of white on black text testimonials to even get to the button for the next page. It’s a counterintuitive layout but with a high payout.

"You need to diversify your bonds nigga"
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