Big Brother shuts down blogety and 7300 blogs

It's strange though that a ' Executive' er.. bustnut exec flat out says it wasn't due to copyright infringement.

Copyright issues and DMCA's happen all the time, but there appears to be a little more involved here.

"I can not disclose which agency or why they [ordered the action]. I can say that this is not a copyright issue"


They are now saying there was bomb making info and a hit list posted on the site.

Bomb-making tips, hit list behind Blogetery closure | Media Maverick - CNET News

By the way, I haven't said it yet, but... 73k sites on a single server. LOFL

edit: Yeeeah... he monitored that server real well. Mother fucking Al Qaeda used it. haha

edit #2: And Burst took down the server, NOT the government.
By the way, I haven't said it yet, but... 73k sites on a single server. LOFL

edit: Yeeeah... he monitored that server real well. Mother fucking Al Qaeda used it. haha

edit #2: And Burst took down the server, NOT the government.

It's what happens when amateurs provide hosting. :music06:

PS: If your shit is important, especially when using a "free" server, keep backups of your stuff.
"Mystery shrouds closures"

Uh, no, no it doesn't. The owner was a fucking retard.

I know you're in love with government and stick up for it whenever possible, but really? Even in this situation you're sticking up for government. You think it's OK for the government to shit on 73,000 blogs? There is no excuse, ever, for 73,000 blogs to be shut down. Child porn, piracy, no excuse to shut all the blogs down because >1% of them are acting out.

An absolute outrage.

The government forced burst to remove it.

Oh well, I guess it's good that daddy Obama is keeping us all safe, right? God, he's so awesome.
I know you're in love with government and stick up for it whenever possible, but really? Even in this situation you're sticking up for government. You think it's OK for the government to shit on 73,000 blogs? There is no excuse, ever, for 73,000 blogs to be shut down. Child porn, piracy, no excuse to shut all the blogs down because >1% of them are acting out.

An absolute outrage.

The government forced burst to remove it.

Oh well, I guess it's good that daddy Obama is keeping us all safe, right? God, he's so awesome.

The numbers of blogs "hosted" on the server is redundant (they all stem from the same site anyways). If blogetry is allowing users to post the content that goes against Burst TOS, then burst has every right to shut down the entire thing.

He said that he didn't know of any agency that had the authority to terminate service for thousands of people without essentially jumping through all kinds of legal hoops

Again, this is different then "terminating service for thousands of people", because all of these thousands of people are using one single platform to publish the content on. It's not like thousands of people are losing their business sites, Blogetry is a publishing platform NOT a hosting platform..

Oh well, I guess it's good that daddy Obama is keeping us all safe, right? God, he's so awesome.

If you think Obama played any role in this, you sir are an idiot...
I know you're in love with government and stick up for it whenever possible, but really? Even in this situation you're sticking up for government. You think it's OK for the government to shit on 73,000 blogs? There is no excuse, ever, for 73,000 blogs to be shut down. Child porn, piracy, no excuse to shut all the blogs down because >1% of them are acting out.

An absolute outrage.

The government forced burst to remove it.

Oh well, I guess it's good that daddy Obama is keeping us all safe, right? God, he's so awesome.

You're either retarded or can't read. The Government didn't force Burst to do shit. They took down the server on their own.

BurstNet had issues a number of years ago when a federal agency found a terrorist site hosted there. Burst cooperated with the authorities & left the server online for the feds to monitor, but because they were under a gag-order, they couldn't defend themselves against accusations of continuing to host terrorist-related sites even after the site was reported to them. My guess is that they didn't want a repeat of that situation...

Also, 73,000 blogs on one server? No off-server backups? The site owner has nobody to blame but himself. There's never an excuse for not having off-server backups.
I know you're in love with government and stick up for it whenever possible, but really? Even in this situation you're sticking up for government. You think it's OK for the government to shit on 73,000 blogs? There is no excuse, ever, for 73,000 blogs to be shut down. Child porn, piracy, no excuse to shut all the blogs down because >1% of them are acting out.

An absolute outrage.

The government forced burst to remove it.

Oh well, I guess it's good that daddy Obama is keeping us all safe, right? God, he's so awesome.

The number of blogs/content/etc on it is irrelevant, it was a 'single' server hosting illegal content, which the hosting provider took down when the owner did not respond to complaints and other issues.

So in this case, who is the idiot.
a) The owner who allowed 70K+ blogs to run on a single server, and let users upload any content they wanted, legal or not?
b) The users who actually expected a free blog provider to give them as much a fair warning/service as a paid hosting provider.
I'd trust Burst.Net's judgement in pulling the server. Those guys have been doing hosting for years (own their own datacenter, and do colocation, dedicated, and VPSes), and are well aware of legal issues in the hosting world. I used to have 50+ servers there, met a bunch of the team over there in person, toured their datacenter, went to lunch, watched their network monitoring shit as traffic spikes came into a Korean pirated movie site, etc. I've been on the receiving end of DMCA notices there, and they always handled things well.

If there's something illegal on a server, the provider is well within its TOS rights to pull the server upon notice - This isn't some stupid shit DMCA request with a 24 hour grace period, it sounds like.
So in this case, who is the idiot.
a) The owner who allowed 70K+ blogs to run on a single server, and let users upload any content they wanted, legal or not?
b) The users who actually expected a free blog provider to give them as much a fair warning/service as a paid hosting provider.

Exactly. Any other "OMG OBAMA" retards please keep the nonsense to yourself.
By the way, I haven't said it yet, but... 73k sites on a single server. LOFL

That's nothing... back when I ran a free host I was able to get ~200,000 active accounts on one server.

A friend of mine has his own custom setup that can handle 400,000 accounts per server without any load issues.
By the way, I haven't said it yet, but... 73k sites on a single server. LOFL

edit: Yeeeah... he monitored that server real well. Mother fucking Al Qaeda used it. haha

edit #2: And Burst took down the server, NOT the government.

I thought you said it was shut down due to warez??

Why not kill the offending blogs?? Why fuckin sledge hammer the whole damn thing.
I thought you said it was shut down due to warez??

Why not kill the offending blogs?? Why fuckin sledge hammer the whole damn thing.

I figured it was warez because that's why *I* suspended a past client... who went to blogerty and set up shop there. I talked about it here.

So not only was he hosting warez, he was also hosting Al Qaeda.