Big Brand Checklist...


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Some time ago...
So there is a quite big looking agency in Santa Monica. They surely have read CCarter's Big Brand Checklist and executed very well.

I went to see their clients page. On that page they have headline that says "Brands and Clients" and beneath logos of many companies (many big boys).

Could be "Brands and Clients" a little trick to look bigger? or there is some differentiation I don't know about or don't understand? (maybe cultural differences, fuck knows).

Why would serious company use trick like that?
Probably saying "Our Proud Clients" would be more powerful than simple "Brands and Clients"?

Maybe they have shit copywriter? Or maybe it's just fine to use big brands logos (in that way) to look big? (I know business it's business, but what about law?)

Your thoughts.


Yes, it's b2b. But it looks like in regards to this exact business I was wrong. Most likely it's not a trick. In fact they are big and legit.

Still, "trick" like this probably could be used by smaller companies that don't deal with big brands? SEO firms targeting small mom and pop businesses...
"Companies we work with"

Does your business have a phone line or internet access? Boom, throw up a comcast / AT&T logo.

Does your business have a bank account? Boom, throw up a BofA logo.

Does your business use PayPal? Boom, throw up a PayPal logo.

Does your business use computers? Boom, throw up an Apple logo.

Does your business have furniture? Boom, throw up an Office Depot logo.

"Companies we work with"

Does your business have a phone line or internet access? Boom, throw up a comcast / AT&T logo.

Does your business have a bank account? Boom, throw up a BofA logo.

Does your business use PayPal? Boom, throw up a PayPal logo.

Does your business use computers? Boom, throw up an Apple logo.

Does your business have furniture? Boom, throw up an Office Depot logo.


LOL. Something tells me this wouldn't fly if your site was ever reviewed by a rep from any of those companies.
LOL. Something tells me this wouldn't fly if your site was ever reviewed by a rep from any of those companies.

They aren't checking except in a few industries (pro & college sports). Also, don't put a certain recently gone private PC maker on there unless it's legit.
"Companies we work with"

Does your business have a phone line or internet access? Boom, throw up a comcast / AT&T logo.

Does your business have a bank account? Boom, throw up a BofA logo.

Does your business use PayPal? Boom, throw up a PayPal logo.

Does your business use computers? Boom, throw up an Apple logo.

Does your business have furniture? Boom, throw up an Office Depot logo.


I'd have wrote something like that, but not I have my tinfoil hat on; WF is getting too much attention.

I've seen the light; and it BURNS. :sadcrying4:

99% of all success has dirt to dig (even if it is VERY mild like this)... but most of it isn't publicly stated on forums for all eternity.

@ OP, regarding the law, ask a fucking lawyer.
I'd have wrote something like that, but not I have my tinfoil hat on; WF is getting too much attention.

I've seen the light; and it BURNS. :sadcrying4:

99% of all success has dirt to dig (even if it is VERY mild like this)... but most of it isn't publicly stated on forums for all eternity.

@ OP, regarding the law, ask a fucking lawyer.
100% agreed with this "99% of all success has dirt to dig". To close this up, I have asked the lawyer (it was a free advice but sound). If brands notice something like this, and decide it would be worth to go after poor bastard who is doing it, they can kick the shit out of him no limits. In general it's about using their logos and names to gain anything (profit especially) without their permission, deal bla. bla. bla. That's the law. This is how this work in EU, in US is the same I believe.

And some Latin ass for your pleasure.
"Companies we work with"

Does your business have a phone line or internet access? Boom, throw up a comcast / AT&T logo.

Does your business have a bank account? Boom, throw up a BofA logo.

Does your business use PayPal? Boom, throw up a PayPal logo.

Does your business use computers? Boom, throw up an Apple logo.

Does your business have furniture? Boom, throw up an Office Depot logo.


Just for the record and the sake of any fumbling newbies who may dig this thread up some day, I wasn't being serious. This is a bad idea. Don't do this.