Bidding in Payday Loan

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New member
Oct 8, 2007
What is the minimum amount I can get reasonable impressions with the industry eCPC at $4-$10 - considering that I am probably bidding with everyone else and their grandmothers on the same long tails.

Free, seo. Test out some long tail keywords with PPC and see if they convert then go for them. Even if you are new [to seo] you should be able to rank top 5 with a low competition converting keyword. The term might only get 5,000 searches a month but if you get a good conversion rate you can make bank. It really isn't that hard. Go for it and good luck.
Free, seo. Test out some long tail keywords with PPC and see if they convert then go for them. Even if you are new [to seo] you should be able to rank top 5 with a low competition converting keyword. The term might only get 5,000 searches a month but if you get a good conversion rate you can make bank. It really isn't that hard. Go for it and good luck.

Good idea. I will create landing pages till I get dinged by the Big G.
Good idea. I will create landing pages till I get dinged by the Big G.

No, you will test different keywords until you find one converting with low competition in the serps. The keyword doesn't have to be PPC profitable either since you aren't paying for traffic. Just find a keyword that meets the following criteria.

-Low SEO competition
-Good traffic to click:conversion ratio (if one keyword gets 10,000 searches a month with a 50:1 [clicks:conversions] conversion rate (200 conversions month) and another keyword only get 5,000 searches a month but has a 10:1 conversion rate (500 conversions/month) just because the first one gets double the searches a month doesn't mean it will be more profitable.
-Weak competition (low number of backlinks, newish domain, "whitehat", etc etc)

Few other things that you should be able to figure out along the way.
$5 for payday loans exact match should get you spot 7 to start. You'll end up paying 4.70 or so a click as of 2 months ago. With account history and a good ctr you can get it down to 2-2.50 or so. However I've never found an offer that you could break even with that. So 1. you're going to need to get you own data so you can mail your signups, 2. you need an offer that converts great and will let you :)
Edit:I forgot to factor in CTR (it wouldn't be 100%) so if I keyword got 10,000 searches a month you would only get a fraction of that, figure 10%.
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