BeyondHosting Not Being Able to Mail Microsoft Mail Services


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Hi There,

I am a customer with Beyondhosting, and the last few months I have been unable to email any Microsoft mail services eg. users.

I have a small operation, I never had a spam complaint and I do not run email lists or anything like that. BeyondHosting support confirms my server has not been compromised, so that would most likely rule out a spamhack as the culprit.

When I set up the server a couple of years ago, I even purchased a seperate IP to use as mail server IP to avoid issues in case of any hacks on my server.

My first step was A delist request to M$ - which was fruitless.

So after the delist request I turned to BeyondHosting, as the error message in the returned email message said: "Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list."

I have tried to get BeyondHosting to change my IP several times, but the latest reply from Beyondhosting indicates that their entire IP range is blocked on Microsoft and changing my IP would not make a difference.

So, my question is - are you a BeyondHost customer and can you send emails to Microsoft mail service users?

Great reply and thank you so much for your help!

These kind of posts really help guys who finally start posting to feel welcome and gain a good foothold here to keep posting and become a part of your community!

My post was a serious question if other BeyondHost users had same issues, if that is the case then I would migrate my email to gmail or another prvider, if not then I would insist to get my IP changed or find another host.
Can't tell you if I'm getting blocked emails from them, not on their plan.

That's horrible that BeyondHosting is just saying deal with it - I would consider changing hosts on that fact by the way. It's not ok for a host to have all their IP chains blocked by main providers.

Are you doing any mass mailing or sending of repetitive messages to you/clients? Login emails, transactional emails, update emails, anything of that nature? Those are things that can get you blocked and they seem harmless.

An easy middle ground it seems would just be putting your mailing to another provide but keep your sites hosted on the server. That would be cheap too and quick to apply.
Thanks for the replies.

I am not using my server for any automated mailings except status mails from my WP installs to myself...

I send less than 10 mails a day on average, and BH has confirmed no hacks or exploits on my server spamming. So I am 100% confident that I did not cause the mess.
Reply from BH.... I guess I am moving...

Their reply is to pay someone else to do their job at $5 per email box....

---- REPLY FROM BH -------

As covered by multiple support staff unfortunately Microsofts block list is not responding to us at all. Our hands are tied on this. Also as we have covered multiple times they have blocked our ENTIRE network range. This is ALL ips we have. This is exactly why we have told you we will not change the IP as this is an issue on our entire IP range. We do NOT have any other IPs that we can move you to that this does not affect.

We advise setting up your domains e-mail with Google Apps where your mail is forwarded to Gmail / Google allowing your mail to send via their network. Your domains still resolve to this VPS and operate normally. The only change is your mails MX records which we can assist you in setting up. You will simply need a e-mail account with Google to get this going.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Ethan Koehler
Tier 2 Support
you can setup your mx records with zoho, too
one domain is free for 10 users
you pay with your data, obviously
same as googl3
Thanks, I am talking with Wiredtree now about them taking over my hosting. Will be a bit more for the hosting but they got good reviews on wht.

I am just wondering why no other BH users chimed in that they can't email Microsoft emails either... BH is rather large and they say themselves it is affecting all their IPs.