best ways to get pagerank

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New member
Jul 19, 2006
I'm new at this game and so is my website. Traffic is slow but gaining momentum by the day. The one thing I can't seem to pull off however is achieving some quality inbound links. What are some tried and true methods for increasing a new sites PR?

Try linking out to some really good related sources as well, sites that you think your visitors would think would be interested in. I think is often overlooked by many webmasters.
I too used to be obsessed iwth PR.

Now I ignore it and am obsessed with high quality traffic (of which PR is in incredibly small part for me)
Screw pagerank, I never look at it on my site or anyone else's. Just focus on getting links from quality, revelent sites in the niche your site is in.
spam wikipedia

Sitemaker said:
spam wikipedia


LOL!! Only problem with this, Wiki has so many zealots authors employing bots to do auto reverts and anti spam programs, that it is damn near impossible to get away with.

I tried, and kept a log of how well it went. Out of about 100 sites, only 3 stuck. Those 3 stuck to articles that weren't really edited on a regular basis (read longer than a month since last edit). Most sites got yanked within 1 minute, and the ones that hung for a "long" time lasted 20 minutes.

Try it out if you don't believe me.
SEO_Mike said:
LOL!! Only problem with this, Wiki has so many zealots authors employing bots to do auto reverts and anti spam programs, that it is damn near impossible to get away with.

I tried, and kept a log of how well it went. Out of about 100 sites, only 3 stuck. Those 3 stuck to articles that weren't really edited on a regular basis (read longer than a month since last edit). Most sites got yanked within 1 minute, and the ones that hung for a "long" time lasted 20 minutes.

Try it out if you don't believe me.

theres ways to do it when 60% will stick (For me atleasT). good traffic too
cpaelaura said:
I focus on adding quality content on a sometimes daily basis. That has helped me out.
content does not equal pagerank. you can write whatever you want but without links back at you spiders will never get to your site quickly
Andrew said:
Screw pagerank, I never look at it on my site or anyone else's. Just focus on getting links from quality, revelent sites in the niche your site is in.

Do you tend to do exchanges? Or are most of yours one way?
One way links from high ranking sites is probably the most effective way to a higher page rank. Also age comes into play with PR. Google loves sites with age. I would really in the beginning stages of the site focus more on traffic and really the key one linking. Link builinding is one of the most difficult things to do. PR will come with time content and solid one way or b to c to a linking. Reciprocal links really dont count for anything.
Lol, Michel Z, i was going to put that same link. After i read that article by Jon a few days ago, i completely change my mind about PR.
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