Best Way to Water Down Conversions? Cheap clicks?

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New member
Dec 14, 2007
My conversion percentages are substantially higher than the industry standard in my niche, and i don't wanna raise any red flags with the network. Does anyone have any tips on how to water down the conversions to a more reasonable percentage? Someone tipped me off about doing some .01 cent clicks on findology or something...tho haven't really researched it yet. Just wanted to get some more opinions on the best way to do this so i dont raise red flags on the networks end...also how often do networks look at your conversion rates to possibly catch these "red flags" it only like a manual review thing if i put myself under the spotlight? Thanx

My conversion percentages are substantially higher than the industry standard in my niche, and i don't wanna raise any red flags with the network.

If your traffic is legit then you have nothing to worry about.
If your traffic is legit then you have nothing to worry about.

Well i'm not using and's direct to merchant and could be considered greyhat. So i guess i really dont want the network to ask to see my lander (which i don't have) or whatever...looks like bouncing this cheap bullshit traffic off of it is the way to go.
If your traffic is legit then you have nothing to worry about.

Not true. I had one network jump down my throat with all types of accusations and questions simply because I started running traffic with them and my epc and conversion rate on this campaign were significantly higher than anyone else. Their compliance department then asked 100 questions and wanted to know how I was doing it and I told them "it's called a good presell douchebags" and refused to tell them my LP etc and eventually just moved my traffic to another network because I couldn't deal with their nonsense.

Besides that you have advertisers who can easily assume you are making too much on it and shave your leads if they wanted to and that's happened a few times to me also. There is always something to worry about in this shady fucking industry.
your best bet is to get on a private network, there are oodles of them popping up as of late.
it depends really. are they leads? if they are leads and they are bad then your network might suspect something shady. if its sales and there arent any chargebacks you really have nothing to worry about.
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