Best way to use a drip feed service?


Quim Ninja
Jul 26, 2009
Anyone got any tips on the best way to use a drip feed service?

I'm talking about one of the services that gets you a certain amount of forum profile type links per day.

If you had 1000 a day where would you send them and for how long?

At the moment I am pointing them to 100 social bookmarks which link to my money site.

That means each social bookmark gets 10 links a day (1000 / 100 = 10). Is that enough to make a difference? Would I be better linking to 10 social bookmarks so each one gets 100 links a day?

Is more links to a fewer buffer sites better than fewer links to lots of buffer sites?


I would make at least 20 Web 2.0 properties where I would publish 2 links to my site + good content and blast those properties with drip feed service.
So you're paying like $50 or more a month for 1,000 forum profiles?

I strongly suggest that you spend $2.98 on a .info.
Put up some sort of page for a keyphrase of medium competition
Point those 1,000 links at it and watch as nothing happens.

Then the lesson will be learned that bulk forum profiles no longer work.

Its 1000 a day. Do you think that would still have no effect?

Well, what is 1,000 times PR0?

Or monthly, what is 30,000 x PR0?

The problem is that forum profiles get their link juice from the
forum's membership directory, and that has been bloated by
so many guys using xrumer. Seriously, just myself and my JV
partner created about 1 million forum profiles per week for over
one year, on about 20k forums. And there are hundreds of guys
using xrumer. I could go on and on, but, is it not worth your
time to actually test it for yourself?

Create a lens, keyword stuff it, and point you 1k/day at it.

Let us know if it ranks.

J-Dog, I would suggest you follow Bompa's advice on testing things yourself. You may find your own results to be different than his.

Most people point their links to buffer properties (web 2.0s, other sites, bookmarks, etc.).
Most people point their links to buffer properties (web 2.0s, other sites, bookmarks, etc.).

Yes, that is my understanding also, and that is exactly why most
people do not realized that forum profiles don't work, but it gives
them a warm fuzzy feeling inside, so it's ok. ;)

just my opinion,
What would u suggest to do to build backlinks bompa?

There are a few good services here:

Links & SEO - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum

Social Bookmark Submissions are usually good, but limited to one run, in
that, you can not submit the same URL again. I did my own and I bought
a few strictly for SEO purposes and I am still amazed that I get a bit of
traffic from them.

The hottest item currently is high PR (PR2+ onpage), DoFollow comments.
Some are on blogs, some are on other CMSes. I sometimes see people
PAYING $10 or more for a "permenent" PR4 blog post, when if they knew,
they could get a permenent PR4 comment for pennies (bundled with a
package). Anyway, even a onpage PR2 DoFollow link is light years better
than a forum profile that is not indexed and has a grey bar PR (which means
that Google has not even assigned a PR to the url yet. Very UNimportant!)

With the dofollow comment links, you can almost always expect your link to
be on an indexed page with these type of comments, mainly because the
providers find these sites via Google's SERPs.

You can find these comment link packages for around $20 and keep in mind
that once you get your report, there is nothing stopping you from doing your
own commenting with them for your other sites. Not a bad deal.

Pay attention to the CMS. Notice the footprints. Search for more of the
same with PR2+ on the comment page, check that it is followable, and
have at it.

Find a professional blog comment poster. Grab his site. Run a yahoo site explorer search on it. There you go....

He has already found all the good blogs to post on and you simply need to head over there and add your comments well.