Best way to start with next to no money to put in?

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
I was browsing the monster thread Jon made over at SP (finally went through all 31 pages). I noticed one of Jon's replies to someone in the thread said that "A lot of people refuse to do it because they either don't have the time or capital for it" in a reply to someone asking about his strategies, etc.

Well, I'm wondering what someone needs to do to succeed with little or not money to put up? I know everyone has heard the saying that it takes money to make money, which I think is true in a lot of instances, and would seem to be true according to Jon's reply over at SP where he says people may not have the the capital for it. So what do you do if you're broke but want to get into this affiliate/publishing/etc game? I guess the simple answer would be create some kind of site, slap some google adsense on there and then pray, but that's more or less a waste of time.

What do you suggest someone like myself do to get started? If you're someone who makes a good living online, and are doing it from starting on next to nothing I'd like to hear from you.

Please share.

I started with very little money. Enough to buy a shared hosting package and a few domains. I turned those few domains into a small profit, kept investing what I could (which gradually became more and more) and the shit just snowballed from there.

I guess the simple answer would be create some kind of site, slap some google adsense on there and then pray, but that's more or less a waste of time

I guess I am wasting my time :(
John said:
I guess I am wasting my time :(

I'm guessing that was sarcasm? It may not be a waste of time? That's kind what I'm here to figure out. From everything I've read it says doing that is a waste of time, but I don't know?
I dont have to much input on this... but I'm sorta in the same situation. I've started with little money to invest towards this but I'm still not really doing all that bad.

I must admit though, if I had more money I could really see things moving much faster for me then they are right now.

Just give it a shot. You really dont have all that much to lose.
John said:
I don't think it's a waste of time at all.
Well I guess what I was getting at was just doing nothing but creating a site and throwing some adsense in there and hoping that it does well without any promotion, SEO, etc. Adsense obviously works or many people wouldn't be making bank on it. Sorry for the confusion.
VinSVT said:
Just give it a shot. You really dont have all that much to lose.

Well you're definitely right about that one. I really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I mean, if I go out in the next year and make $100 online, then great, that's $100 more than I've ever made. lol.
deronsizemore said:
Well you're definitely right about that one. I really have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I mean, if I go out in the next year and make $100 online, then great, that's $100 more than I've ever made. lol.

Your losing time. That $100 over a year is not worth hundreds of hours of work. Thats like getting paid 1 penny an hour if you make $100 over a year.
Yeah, but some sites become successful in the midst of a slow crawl. There's nothing wrong with making very little (or losing) money when you're first starting out.
Hey John.

Would you care to elaborate?

What kind of sites, what affiliate programs / advertisers, how did you make your sites known, how did you survive until hitting the threshold, how many sites did you start with, etc...?

Start a site on a topic you care about. Write a bunch of articles for it. Promote it, get backlinks.

Rinse and repeat. The return sucks at first, it really does. A lot of work for very little money. But the money will grow.

I really don't know of any other way of starting out with no money, unless you're lucky enough to have a friend (or can make one) who's already established and willing to give you a helping hand.
And Deron feel free to IM me if you want, I'd be glad to help you out more since you're a fellow Buckeye.
Sitemaker said:
Your losing time. That $100 over a year is not worth hundreds of hours of work. Thats like getting paid 1 penny an hour if you make $100 over a year.

I know a guy who delivered pizzas and did odd jobs, with a college degree, for close to 5 years while trying to start a successful business. Finally he figured out what he was doing wrong and is now a multi-millionaire.

With all the info here and on other blogs you can easily make $100 a week, much less a year.
JDA said:
Start a site on a topic you care about. Write a bunch of articles for it. Promote it, get backlinks.

Rinse and repeat. The return sucks at first, it really does. A lot of work for very little money. But the money will grow.

I really don't know of any other way of starting out with no money, unless you're lucky enough to have a friend (or can make one) who's already established and willing to give you a helping hand.

Well I don't feel like I'm so way off base now anyway. This is my original plan, to create sites that I am interested in and just continue to build. Thanks for the advice!

I'll look you up on IM if I every have any questions or anything. Although I currently reside in Kentucky, I lived in Ohio all my life, so I'm a buckeye at heart even if I don't live there. lol :)
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