Best way to learn actionscript 3.0

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Premium Writing Solutions
Jul 15, 2009
El Nino
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Hi guys. I'm new to flash and though I can go about doing the basic flash things on the timeline, how can I go about learning AS3.0

Anyone know the link to Actionscript for dummies? or if such a book exists? I don't know 2.0 and don't wanna learn it, but I am familiar with C# and coding. Would that help in anyway with AS3.0? or is it completely different from these two languages?

Thanks in advance for any help.

The way I learned it was by reading and watching. Most important of all, just practice and you'll learn from trial and error. I recommend the Actionscript 3 tutorials from I also recommend checking out O'Reilly Essential Actionscript 3 and O'Reilly Learning Actionscript 3 A Beginners Guide. Good luck brah.
If you do any "normal" programming, look at Flex; it's more like a normal IDE instead of a timeline. I always hated the timeline. Flex has a powerful Design mode for the UI elements, too.

You can get a lot of stuff for free online if you know where to look. I'd recommend the Lynda videos to start with, and then move up to the "Advanced"-level ebooks for more specific, advanced info.
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