Best way to deal with this?


New member
May 31, 2011
I've just found out that a guy on this forum has 301'd his sites shitty link profile (including links from gay porn sites) through to a site of mine.

Since this has happened, my sites dropped from page one to mid page 2 for all major KW's.

I've PM'd him but received no response so far. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

Can I just disavow his domain so that google doesn't give any weighting to his links or is there a better way?

The links are pointing to an inner page so I could just close it down and make a new page to host the original content. Will that negate the effects of these shit links or do I have to get them removed?

I had a similar problem back in June. However I started the negative war with fiverr gigs.

I highly doubt it's due to the 301. It all depends if the site is worth keeping or move on to something else. If it is worth your time/effort/money then fiverr his ass with profiles and blog comments all the same keyword.

Aim to get some wiki links for your site or authority links.
He's 301'd his entire site through to a page on mine so I don't think that bombing his arse with shitty links is going to do anything. They're all going to be redirected to my site.
if this has happened for real...

1. who the fuck was it, he deserves to be outted

2. how do you know it was someone from this forum to begin with?
Thought it was a site that I'd bought links from before. Just checked the details. Turns out it wasn't a guy from this forum. The URL's are just VERY similar (one letter difference).

My bad.

Still a problem though... Thoughts?
How to deal with this:

Don't piss off the wrong guy? Make amends?

No matter what your contingency plan is, mess with the wrong guy and you will get raped.
TBH, I thought it was me and I was about to be the centerpiece of some gay webmaster e-drama o_O

I did that shit with about 10-15 fucked up sites that I own when the blog network shit went down to see what would happen. But I just re-checked and the site I did it to is still as strong as ever. The ones I did it with weren't deindexed though, they were just blogs that caused webmaster notifications if you got a link from them. Haven't tried it with any deindexed sites.

EDIT: I think one of those sites I used was deindexed now that I think about it, maybe even two of them.
Oh shit hope this didnt have anything to do with that Negative SEO post I made yesterday.. Probably not.

When did it happen?
How many links?
How many different anchors?
It doesn't look like someone's gone out to maliciously harm my site. It looks like they've just had thier site thumped and they're just testing out what effect it will have on another site.

Not sure why they picked my site though. It was only ranking at the bottom of page 1 for 1 KW and that wasn't even the page they picked.

Strange... Anyway. I've used the new Disavow tool to disavow links from their site. Hopefully that will work. If not, I'll go through each of the shitty sites that are linking through and disavow them individually.
It doesn't look like someone's gone out to maliciously harm my site. It looks like they've just had thier site thumped and they're just testing out what effect it will have on another site.

Not sure why they picked my site though. It was only ranking at the bottom of page 1 for 1 KW and that wasn't even the page they picked.

Strange... Anyway. I've used the new Disavow tool to disavow links from their site. Hopefully that will work. If not, I'll go through each of the shitty sites that are linking through and disavow them individually.

Just testing? (301'ing) their penalized site into yours sounds pretty malicious to me.
Yeah, but it's not targetted at my front page. It's pointed at a page that doesn't even rank. It's weird... If someone was really out to get me, they'd hit the front page rather than targeting some shitty inner page...

Redirect all traffic coming in via the 301's to something else.

if($from == ""){
    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); 

Someone edit the WF theme to correct the php highlighting colors, they're shit.