Best programing language to learn?

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
So I have decided I will go back to school at night and recieve a degree in a programing language. This will not only help me in my AM efforts but it should give me something to fall back if need be.

What is the best and most profitable degree to have in this field? What would help my AM the most and what would make me some decent cash if I were to have to go to work somewhere?


Java is more profitable as a profession. It also teaches you more about object oriented design and design patterns. Learning PHP afterwards is easy.
Java is currently the most widely used programming language in the world. Especially for any serious/large scale projects Java is the way to go. You can also code just about anything in it (short of kernels and drivers, and any other low level system stuff). It is also much faster than any scripting language. But, Java is not easy to learn and is quite verbose. It gives you a high degree of control, but for small projects/tools using Java can be overkill.

PHP is currently the most popular scripting language for web development, although in decline. It's easy to learn and highly tuned for doing web stuff and thus very popular.

Python is another scripting language that is popular. In fact it has been designed from ground up to be easy to learn and to enforce good code habits. It is completely OO and you can do almost anything in it (web stuff, games, utilities, etc), just like Java. If you are new to programming, Python is probably the best language to start with.

I would recommend learning a language that will give you the broadest options career wise.
I have a couple state universities, and tech schools near me. NONE of them are offering degree's in php/mysqyl.

None of them even offer it - the computer science classes all seem to teach java as well.

Learn Java and the rest is cake that you can teach yourself really fast.
Fuck school and fuck java.... If you are going to do AM why get sidetracked and spend all this time learning something that won't help you further your goals. I supposed if you learn better by going to classes then fine hit night school once or twice a week. But for for the love of god please learn shit that is useful to you right away.

My suggestion is first php/mysql if you wan't something more complicated later then try perl.

It's going to take 4 years of full time college to get a programming degree that will get you a crappy entry level Java programming job. Not worth it, you can do much better on your own.
Yes, that way the QBasic population will grow by 50%.

LMAO! no shit right.. i dont think anyone uses QBasic..

I personally love php, then using it with mysql, makes it all the more insane, but it also depends on what your trying to go for, web programing or like application programing, i hear VB is realllllllly easy to learn, plus if you learn that youll also know asp, but hell who wants to be locked in by microsoft :repuke:
LMAO@ Qbasic

i dont think i know anyone that uses Qbasic.. I like to work with php/mysql, then if i need anything that i cant do with php, ill bring in java. "the power of java" hah :). but it all depends on what type of programing you want to do..
PHP but remember to go back and do C++ one day, as well.

PHP code = gold.
LMAO@ Qbasic

i dont think i know anyone that uses Qbasic..

I wrote programs in it, 20 years ago in my first programming job, along with C and MASM supporting programs and device drivers. Now I take it easy doing VB.NET/ASP.NET along with a little C#, Java, and PHP on the side.

As for the original question, I'd recommend learning PHP and Java for your own personal sites but for an education that will provide a stable and profitable career learn about SQL and databases. A good DBA is a lot harder to find than a good programmer.

On which languages, the Microsoft .NET products are used a lot in corporate development but not so much in web start-ups, primarily due to the Windows server cost vs. Linux based servers. Doing corporate development usually, but not always, more stable than working in start-ups or vertical market software companies but is also a lot more boring and annoying.
If you want something that would benefit your AM the most go for a marketing degree/classes if you must.

But if I were you I wouldn't go to school &/or take classes for something to "fall" back on in case you fail. If you do, you already failed. You can take classes anytime so why waste your time now for a "what if".

It might just be me but I've been through programming classes and it has just slowed me down. The real learning doesn't happen until you're out doing it in the real world.
Just sign up for the classes and only go to the exams. Learn the programming languages at home at your own pace while also working on your A.M.
LMAO@ Qbasic

i dont think i know anyone that uses Qbasic.. I like to work with php/mysql, then if i need anything that i cant do with php, ill bring in java. "the power of java" hah :). but it all depends on what type of programing you want to do..

You can still put together a quick console program with it. It's easy to learn and easy to get ideas for programming. Any idiot can pick up the basics in a day or two then move onto something better. Don't knock, I got my start with QBAsic.

In all seriousness, if you are trying to get a degree, you are gonna follow the university's programs. If you ain't after a degree, I'd take classes in Python. I am trying to learn it as well and combined with Glade, you can make some nice apps.

Google does a lot of Python scripting on its servers.
I would start with c++. After you learn enough c++ everything else is easy. Also, if you want to go to school and learn web dev. Stick to a tech school. Ive been to two 4 year and two 2 year and its been my experience that 4 years tend to teach consul programing and low level programing. Tech schools on the other hand learn a lot more web dev and are usually the first to adopt new technologies. just my 2c
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