Best product sales landers?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
It's been far too long out of aff marketing a few years ago, and been working on some other projects lately.

I've developed a new consumer product good (not an aff product) that I've gotten as far as production and am now looking at selling. Looking for some examples of what are considered to be the best performing landing pages out there...again, I'm not looking for penis pill sales pages and not lead gens either.

Specifically, I'm looking to demonstrate and sell a product on a single page like this Orabrush page does. This page strikes me as pretty busy and complicated, but if that's what sells these days, so be it.

Don't out your own, or your competitor's landers...but if you have design favorites or if there are examples of well know pages, I'd be interested in seeing them.

thanks man - that's pretty helpful.

I'm trying to integrate a video above the fold, for a product demo, so there are a few there that would work well.

Any other suggestions?
It's been far too long out of aff marketing a few years ago, and been working on some other projects lately.

I've developed a new consumer product good (not an aff product) that I've gotten as far as production and am now looking at selling. Looking for some examples of what are considered to be the best performing landing pages out there...again, I'm not looking for penis pill sales pages and not lead gens either.

Specifically, I'm looking to demonstrate and sell a product on a single page like this Orabrush page does. This page strikes me as pretty busy and complicated, but if that's what sells these days, so be it.

Don't out your own, or your competitor's landers...but if you have design favorites or if there are examples of well know pages, I'd be interested in seeing them.

that is definitely a pretty interesting lander, the orabrush one. im sure that is something custom it is running on WP with a ton of addons/scripts/plugins etc

the best way to push a "real" product is with as much social proof as possible, ie

-list how many downloads/purchases/shares
-social links and feeds

I've used Netix in the past:
Netix - Responsive WordPress Landing Page Preview - ThemeForest

and the one from elegant themes is good too, but not search engine friendly at all.