Best Places To Learn Programming


New member
Mar 23, 2011
I already finished most of the courses available at

I am mostly interested in Web Development (PHP, JavaScript, Jquery etc)

Can you give me some more examples of websites or books that can help me deepen my knowledge of the above programming languages?

Maybe share some of your experience?

Thanks in advance!

I would really feel more comfortable responding to this thread if OP had a better reputation. Maybe try creating a thread to see if anyone could help you out with that?
This guy has some good videos to help you grasp the syntax/markup of html/css/javascript/jquery/php pretty quickly:

[ame=""]Learn HTML in 15 Minutes - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]CSS Video Tutorial Pt 4 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]JavaScript Video Tutorial Pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]JQuery Video Tutorial Pt 7 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Web Design and Programming Pt 1 PHP - YouTube[/ame]

More videos on his youtube profile:

Another good source for php and other languages is

Learn php in Y Minutes

If you want something more slower paced there is a huge course on udemy with a lot of good reviews covering php, html, css, javascript, jquery, apis, and html5 mobile apps. Coupon code "SUMMER19" takes it from $200 to $19:

In the end though the only way to really learn is by practice, if you really want to get up to speed break the language/framework down to 1 or 2 items to focus on at a time and bang out 100 lines of code until you feel that you can a) do it all over again without having to reference the syntax/documentation and b) you could look at somebody else's code and know what it's doing.

So if you wanted to start off with variables in ruby just bang out 100 lines like this:

relationship = "friend"
name = "bob" 
age = "30"
profession = "accountant"
city = "Miami"
favorite color = "blue"

relationship = "brother"
name = "dave"
age = "20"
profession = "student"
city = "New York" 
favorite color = "green"


Just go through the official documentation or through the cheat sheets and work your way down the list 100 lines at a time. To make it less boring and have it stick better it's a good idea to use real data like the example above with brief info about your friends and family or maybe practice loops using the years your favorite sports teams won championships and have it put/print each year like this:

superbowlwins = [1971,1977,1992,1993,1995]

superbowlwins.each do |victory|
  puts "The Dallas Cowboys won a superbowl in #{victory}"

which would output:

The Dallas Cowboys won a superbowl in 1971
The Dallas Cowboys won a superbowl in 1977
The Dallas Cowboys won a superbowl in 1992
The Dallas Cowboys won a superbowl in 1993
The Dallas Cowboys won a superbowl in 1995

Then do the same with stuff like a list of things to do, a shopping list, your favorite cars, what bills you need to pay, etc.

Once you get the syntax down, focus on building something you actually care about and just hack and stumble your way through it by looking up things as you go along. That's really the only way you end up learning. Be sure to get yourself a good ide/text editor as well such as sublime text or phpstorm/webstorm, phpdesigner, etc. Enable code completion to help you out BUT make sure you still type out everything so you can really learn the syntax.

Also get to know and love
If you already have the basics down, I'd advise you to simply start writing code and banging your head on a desk. I've never found that reading, beyond a certain point really builds your knowledge in this field. But I guess there are certain book centric minded people that would work for.

One thing that really helped me when I started was I actually purchased a PHP gallery site script. I spent time going though it and learning more how it worked and hacked on it until I actually created something with it. Then you just keep building on your knowledge base as you go. A similar approach could be used for pretty much any language.
Reading sucks. Just start doing. Pick a project, maybe something that you could use later as an IM tool, or publish later as a FB or mobile app. It doesn't have to be something that anyone will actually use, but going through that whole process and arriving at a FB or mobile app that actually works, will put you in a good position to make something useful for your next project.
Before you spend too much time designing databases, read up on database normalization. It will help you design better and more efficient databases.
I really disagree about not watching videos, but I guess everyone learns differently.

I started out just diving into coding and looking things up as I needed them, but I found you end up with massive gaps in your knowledge and don't understand why you're doing certain things, and why things in the language are the way they are.

Coding tutorials with example code are great, and the videos really helped me get a firm foundation of knowledge. But in combination with actually trying to code right from the start, so I think diving in while also learning the foundations of the language at the same time is important.
You can read books all day and watch videos all night...
but If you really want to learn more programming, then consider putting your programming to the test. since you are more interested on web development, look for a web projects that you think you can handle. then eventually getting more bigger projects.

personally, I've learned alot more on experience and stress handling during development than reading books or watching videos.
I learned at Udemy, javascript 30, Coursera, and use programming forums and chats to get actual information
I can't tell the specific place to learn about programming. But you can try to join in some forums or group that related with your skill.
I can't tell you about the best forum but I know the best books for the Web development
These are following. 1.Learning Web Design, 2.Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites and JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development.