Best OSX SVN Client?


Wordpress Guru
Oct 4, 2009
Getting a new MacBook Pro tomorrow. Switching my Windows laptop back to Mac. Still keeping the Windows Desktop.

What's a good SVN client that supports branching, merging, relocate. I've been looking into it for about an hour now and about all of them have some sort of shortcoming.

I used to use RapidSVN when I had a Mac before. Wasn't a big fan, but it got me by.

I just know when I use my desktop with Windows then use my laptop, I'm gonna be missing TortoiseSVN... and I don't want to do that.


XCode on your OSX has a built-in SVN client.
Or svnX if you want an open source alternative

My advice is to switch to Git.
XCode on your OSX has a built-in SVN client.
Or svnX if you want an open source alternative

My advice is to switch to Git.

I code in Zend Studio (based on eclipse). Seems annoying to use that along with XCode.

I use SVN with the WordPress repository. I've heard a lot abut Git when searching around for a good client. I might switch to that for client projects. But I'd still be using SVN with WP.

Thanks, I'll check svnX out tomorrow when I get the new machine.
I just use standard, terminal SVN
I did a while back when I first started on OSX a couple years ago. With so many GUI's, why still terminal? Stuck in your ways or do you find the GUI's too buggy?

I use Versions and terminal
Why both?

Thanks, I'll take a look see.
Sorry to be months late on the response, but I sometimes use Versions if I need to add files with a @ in the name (or something else weird). Otherwise, mostly I use terminal cause it's pretty easy to just svn ci -m '' things rather than mess with a gui app.