best offers to promote in facebook?

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good douche!
Aug 18, 2008
Hey everyone, just want to ask what are the best-converting types of offers to be promoted on facebook? yesterday i tried a valentine offer, and some email submits but its not really converting that well. does dating do well there?


*facepalm* Seriously, have you not heard of search?
There's several dozen threads on Facebook already, and the cliff notes on all of them is: The best offers on facebook are the ones that target micro-niches because people are more likely to click on shit that actually interests them.

People on facebook are NOT going to click on ads for gay dating when they're hetero and in a relationship, so going for the broader audience kind of doesn't work at all in the slightest.
Reverse-psychologize the facebook users; instead of weight loss ads, run weight gain ads.

"How I Added 8 Inches to My Waist in Only 3 Months!"
*facepalm* Seriously, have you not heard of search?
There's several dozen threads on Facebook already, and the cliff notes on all of them is: The best offers on facebook are the ones that target micro-niches because people are more likely to click on shit that actually interests them.

People on facebook are NOT going to click on ads for gay dating when they're hetero and in a relationship, so going for the broader audience kind of doesn't work at all in the slightest.

hey it makes sense to me thanks... actually i just started facebook a week ago and i did it on a fast-paced mode..
make money ebooks are converting like hot cakes there....:nopenope:

u think? i tried some 'recession bizop' thing and it didn't really work out well. i also tried some 'sleep less, wake up refreshed' stuff and that didn't convert either... hmmm..
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