Best newsletter sending scripts??

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New member
Aug 23, 2006

One of my sites has a memberbase of 5000+, what would be the best way to bulk email send these?


It's not "bulk email", that's the spammer term.. you want to send legal newsletters. Use, they handle just about everything for you. I think they charge $9 for every 10,000 subscribers you have. Very worth it, considering they let you have all the other features for free, including the opt-out.
Most CMS's come with or have a plugin for newsletters. I'm using Textpattern right now and I know it does (although I've not used it).
zompus said:
Whilst on the subject of newsletters, is there any law which limits how many emails you can send per day?

Not right now, as long as all of the commercial messages are sent to double opt-in subscribers
AWeber is kickass...better off paying a few bucks an month and having them deal with spam compliants etc. Its piss easy to integrate with your site as well
It would be $30/web site. I actually use it for lots of websites but only have it installed on my main site. (I'm cheap bastard that way) but listmessenger lets you build as many lists as you like and manages the opt/out with a single click in the email nicely.

I set up a template for each site that matches the sites look-n-feel, create a group list for each site in listmessenger.

I hope that helps... it kinda sounds like a lot to manage and may be it is... but only at setup of a new site, and I do not have to have 10 or 20 bookmarks to manage newsletters for each site.
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