Best layout for wordpress review site?


New member
May 24, 2007
Background info
I have a site that I am creating to "review" products. I am using wordpress to be seo friendly but also plan on using ppc to drive traffic to individual products pages.

It is not cpa (diet pills/biz opps etc.) and I am trying not make my site not look spammy or like a completely obvious affiliate site. Products sell for $100 - $200, recreation/entertainment related and the primary user demographic is 14-24 year old males.

My Question
On the home page right under my banner should I just jump straight into product reviews? Or should I throw some fancy looking images/navigation up there (already on sidebar)? General information and website info?

Currently I just launch straight into reviews, with 10x 250 word reviews down the homepage. It makes my site look rather thin on content, noobish, and just shitty looking in general.

At the same time though, I do not want to throw in unnecessary information that is going to deter visitors from clicking through to the product merchant page.

I suck at trying to explain things so here is a pic.

p.s. sorry for the widget example, it was all I could think up on the fly.

Maybe a video or a testimonial (real one) about the products that you are focusing on. Rotate the video or just split test them to see which videos would work best. I would just think to add some type of authority in that section so not to make it look spammy like it would if you placed a banner ad there or something.
Thanks, I had totally forgot about placing authority images under there.

I don't think that videos would help my current appearance or conversions but thanks for the advice.