Best language for submission tool?


New member
May 31, 2009
Hi, any idea what would be the best programming language if you want to make a submission tool for profiles or bookmarks etc.? I saw C being used a lot but which version? I mean there is C++ , C# and stuff like that.


Use whatever you're most productive with as long as there are some suitable tools so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. C# (.Net), PHP, Python, Ruby and Java all have great tools for automation.
I don't know a thing about programming so I wanted to outsource this part. I just don't know which programmer to hire for this.
Hire the programmer who thinks they can get the job done? i.e. don't bring language into it. The best programmer for the job will dictate their choice of technology. If you're dirt poor though and don't want to have anything to do with Windows then avoid .Net (disclaimer: I'm a Windows programmer and the additional cost of Windows deployments is somewhat negligible in my opinion, but ultimately it's your choice of course.)
Ok, I was just wondering in which category I should post my request. I think the right programmers will contact me though.
Hey, what kind of submission tool do you need? I heard of people here selling their submission services with custom software written in delphi but I'm not sure if delphi has any advantages.
For example, I am happy with csharp but I'm sure that you can reach your goals with almost every common language.
Delphi is a great tool, but language/tool does not matter much anymore.

If this was around year 2000, Delphi was lightyears ahead when it came to native Windows development with rich user interfaces, while still giving you complete access to API, assembler etc. if you really wanted it, but many other tools have caught up now. (Although most then require either .Net or Java, but I don't see that as a major problem really.)

I still prefer Delphi for Windows development (and hoping with its later incarnations + FreePascal I will get time for crossplatform some day) as it is still a great tool with lots of productivity in it, but C#, Java etc. are all good as well. Each language/toolset/libraries has its own advantages, but they can all do the job you need done!
Delphi is a great tool, but language/tool does not matter much anymore.

If this was around year 2000, Delphi was lightyears ahead when it came to native Windows development with rich user interfaces, while still giving you complete access to API, assembler etc. if you really wanted it, but many other tools have caught up now. (Although most then require either .Net or Java, but I don't see that as a major problem really.)

I still prefer Delphi for Windows development (and hoping with its later incarnations + FreePascal I will get time for crossplatform some day) as it is still a great tool with lots of productivity in it, but C#, Java etc. are all good as well. Each language/toolset/libraries has its own advantages, but they can all do the job you need done!

I agree, back in 2000 Delphi was one of the most powerful languages for windows development but nowadays I don't see Delphi as a competitor against C# or Java. I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner...
If you don't care about the language then choose the most common one so that if you need to have it modified in the future, you'll pay less for the work since it's a language everyone knows and they can't charge a mint for the work.