Guess who's back, back again.
Yep, we're back again, better than before!
At MonsterLP, our top priority is to improve the performance of your campaign. We help you accomplish this by creating beautiful, high-performance landing pages with one goal in mind - conversions.
More conversions means more money, more money means more campaigns, which in turn brings more conversions... you get the idea.
This thread is going to be short since everything you need to know can be found on our site:
Landing Page Design | MonsterLP
A few things to stress:
- Our main goal is to forge solid relationships with clients who need landing pages on a regular basis
- All projects are quoted according to the prices listed on our site, although these prices aren't fixed. Your project may be considered more complex or less complex than the average lander these prices are based on.
- This is a graphic-only service. This means that quotes do not include HTML/CSS conversion or coding of any kind. We do, however, have a list of reliable and skilled coders/copywriters compiled!
- Why is a single graphic LP $300? We believe paying for great quality is a good thing. Personally, I prefer to know that I'm getting my money's worth, and that neither party is being ripped off!
These things out of the way, we believe round 2 of MonsterLP will run MUCH smoother than the last one!
For those curious, we received so many orders at our old pricing that we became flooded and had to shut down the order form. We've since revised how we handle orders and are one step ahead this time.
And, of course, since I love you fuckers, 10% off of any order for WF members I consider "contributors" or at least long-time members.
Review copies: Two reputable members are entitled to review copies at 50% off, $149 USD. The WF 10% discount doesn't apply here.
So check out the site, place an order and get ready to kick some ass.