Best Free Wordpress Plugins?


New member
Feb 7, 2010
What are some must have plugins you guys use on every install?
I'll start off with some obvious ones:

  • Google Analytics for wordpress
  • Google sitemap generator
  • Platinum SEO Pack
  • Redirection (easy way to create redirects)
  • Exclude pages (exclude pages from nav menu)
Any other suggestions?

Also I heard that wordpress pings everytime you hit update and that may get your site in some trouble, is that true? Does anyone have a plugin for that?

Also are there any plugins for opt-in forms?

This is a good question, I wish I had a list when I first started out.

Besides the ones you mentioned here's what I usually install:

GD Press Tools
Plugin Central
Ohz Admin Drop Down Menu
Easy Privacy Policy
WP Super Cache

Also I heard that wordpress pings everytime you hit update and that may get your site in some trouble, is that true? Does anyone have a plugin for that?
MaxBlogPress Ping Optimizer does this. It's free but you need to sign up for a mailing list to activate it.