Best Entry Point to IM with no budget?


New member
May 9, 2010
Hi folks

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I have a quick question I want to throw out. I've been educating myself in IM over the last 4 or so months - jumped into the deep-end end of last year by building an online shop, which unfortunately isn't converting (probably because it's an incredibly micro niche), plus my SEO skills have only just started surfacing, so it'll take a bit of work to get the site off Page 2.....

Long story short, I have very limited funds, so PPC is out of the question for me at this stage. Therefore, what would everyone recommend starting with? Here are the options I'm considering:

1. Affliate sites - promoting CPA offers. Any recommendations on good CPA companies? I'll sign up to a few today, and hope to get accepted. Driving traffic using a combination of SEO and social marketing (tweeting/facebook/youtube etc etc)

2. Adsense sites - aiming for a large number of sites, built up over time, targetting micro niches and aiming for say $1 per site per day. Driving traffic the same as above.

3. Other.....?

Bear in mind, I will have access to outsourced workers soon.

I should also clarify, when I say "limited budget", I have enough money to buy domain names, hosting and pay for outsourced workers, but budgeting for PPC (which I have no experience and therefore can't afford to set aside money that I can easily "loose") is out of the question at the moment. Even $100 for PPC is too much .... to give you an idea.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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I gotta say A4d. My new AM Chase seems really sharp. He gave some really heads up insight into POF (like what would play there and why--and he's right I think) the other day on the phone. He seems to have a lot of time for me -- a really nice dude. And not ppc btw.
start using the Google keyword tool to research a niche. Start with something basic, like gardening or something.

Build yourself a nice simple site on Wordpress using a free theme on cheap hosting, and then find a few offers. Write up some articles and include links to your offers in them. Then just start writing 5-10 articles a day and posting them to the big article directory sites. Also, leave comments on niche relevant blogs. Focus on your main keywords, and do those 5-10 articles and 20-30 blog comments a day EVERY day for a month, then look back and see where you are.

The reason most guys fail with this stuff is they spend too much time thinking and not enough doing. Bum your way to a few sales and keep building your PROPERTIES. It's an investment like anything else involving money, a good site with good traffic and good organic conversions is worth it's weight in gold.

Good luck and don't let yourself get dickrolled
I gotta say A4d. My new AM Chase seems really sharp. He gave some really heads up insight into POF (like what would play there and why--and he's right I think) the other day on the phone. He seems to have a lot of time for me -- a really nice dude. And not ppc btw.

Cool thanks, I'll sign up with them too.

dchuk said:
start using the Google keyword tool to research a niche. Start with something basic, like gardening or something.

Build yourself a nice simple site on Wordpress using a free theme on cheap hosting, and then find a few offers. Write up some articles and include links to your offers in them. Then just start writing 5-10 articles a day and posting them to the big article directory sites. Also, leave comments on niche relevant blogs. Focus on your main keywords, and do those 5-10 articles and 20-30 blog comments a day EVERY day for a month, then look back and see where you are.

The reason most guys fail with this stuff is they spend too much time thinking and not enough doing. Bum your way to a few sales and keep building your PROPERTIES. It's an investment like anything else involving money, a good site with good traffic and good organic conversions is worth it's weight in gold.

Good luck and don't let yourself get dickrolled
Thanks heaps, thats solid advice. Didn't realise there were CPA offers for the gardening niche - but then again, I've never signed up with any CPA companies....

I'll try and setup a "follow me as I try to reach my blah blah" target post, to keep me motivated.