Best CMS to use


New member
Jan 7, 2009
I am somewhat new to the affiliate marketing game and looking for the best CMS to use to create simple pages with good SEO structure. Just wondering if anyone can offer some advice on which CMS would be best to start with.

I have played around a little bit with wordpress. It seems a little limited without plugins. Never used Joomla. The ones I have been looking at are, of course Wordpress, and:

1) Joomla
2) Drupal
3) Concrete 5
4) Silver Stripe

Thanks for your input!
wordpress is the only way to go. Joomla is a fucking bitch and a half and drupal is dated as fuck. The other ones on your list aren't popular enough to bother considering yet. lack of community support = fail. Stick with the big 3. Wordpress is at the top of that list.
I'm not a fan of CMS when it comes to simple pages. Free css templates work better for me in this case, cause it's much more flexible design-wise.
I'm not a fan of CMS when it comes to simple pages. Free css templates work better for me in this case, cause it's much more flexible design-wise.

This. You might be better off with simple CSS and html unless you really need the CMS functionality.

WordPress has a lot of security issues. Joomla and Drupal are both really good and actively developed (I have no idea what apexSEORM was talking about being dated). Drupal has a pretty big learning curve to it though and its better geared towards community content. Joomla is better for top-down structure.

Both have good SEO structure included, and you can get third party plugins to make it better.
Wordpress is super user-friendly (for those not so Programming proficient). Joomla is good only when you are proficient in PHP programming (quite technical to customize it), if not, you will be vomitting using it.
the answer is wordpress. Currently its used by 202 million websites and about 200 of the top 10000
Drupal rocks, but too complex for simple pages. Joomla is cool, still more than you need. Wordpress is so damn easy, may be more than you need but still so easy to SEO etc.
i have used all in depth, but for years, i have used Wordpress... its just so simple, easy to custom code or get a template, get a few SEO plugins and sitemaps plugins and your off. I think they even have split testing plugin for wordpress now, but i still use propsper split test.