Best CMS for a T-Shirt Website?

aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
What are the best CMS's for a t shirt website? this means shopping carts, various views of the shirts, etc.


Details, how many items? Size drop down? Are you looking for something Free or to spend $? Are you looking for something super simple on the backend etc?
Don't answer my post, haven't looked at ZenCart in awhile. Looks really good. You should try it...
Details, how many items? Size drop down? Are you looking for something Free or to spend $? Are you looking for something super simple on the backend etc?

Maybe 20-50? rough ballpark estimate. Yes size drop down. Free preferably and yes. something simple on the backend would be great.

Looking into zencart.
I haven't used Magento, but taking a look at their website, its pretty big and oriented towards enterprises. Since you are starting out, and Zencart is FREE as well, you might want to check it out.
I haven't used Magento, but taking a look at their website, its pretty big and oriented towards enterprises. Since you are starting out, and Zencart is FREE as well, you might want to check it out.

Starting out free isn't always the best option especially if it takes you more time in the long run and causes major PITAs when you do finally end up trying to migrate to a commercial cart/cms. (personally I like x-cart, but there's also interspire)
We used Zencart as Magento was in its infancy, but based on the support and new development I'd use Magento if we were starting out again.

Have you checked out I found it to be a very valuable resource when I was setting up shop :)