Belize - Anyone Been There or Visited?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Is anyone currently in, or has anyone been to Belize?

I am thinking about checking it out soon, since if you become resident there you pay no tax on foreign earnings... which would be a great feeling. Apparently the residency process is about a year long and surprisingly not so complicated.

Anyone with experience there?

The only thing I know about Belize is that this girl I use to bang had a good time there
The food is... weird. Plus they have an elevated crime rate from drug traffickers so be careful. All in all though the Caribbean countries are great it you are earning dollars from an online business.
The food is... weird. Plus they have an elevated crime rate from drug traffickers so be careful. All in all though the Caribbean countries are great it you are earning dollars from an online business.

Whereabouts have you been in Belize? Also, saw you're in Mexico - which part?
Did a day trip as part of a cruise in 2010, went out to the reef. The beaches are amazing, who wouldn't want to live there? I'm in Reynosa. on the border. Definitely not a tourist area but I'm an hour from the beach so not bad, cheap living. Belize doesn't have as bad of a drug violence problem as Mexico does, it probably just seems bad because it's such a tiny country
Went there as a kid and it was awesome. Went diving at the reef, rented a cabin on stilts on the beach. It's small, like the size of delaware. They speak ebonics lol
Did a day trip as part of a cruise in 2010, went out to the reef. The beaches are amazing, who wouldn't want to live there? I'm in Reynosa. on the border. Definitely not a tourist area but I'm an hour from the beach so not bad, cheap living. Belize doesn't have as bad of a drug violence problem as Mexico does, it probably just seems bad because it's such a tiny country

Jeez, Reynosa?? There were some big shootouts there a couple of years back weren't there? How long have you been there? Are you using Mexican bank accounts? If so, don't put much money in them, apparently they sell your info to the cartels.. I lived in Mex for a while, mostly ok but sometimes I did wonder.
Lol you wanna read about Belize? Go read McAfee's crazy story about his time there.

Either he was on some hardcore drugs or their government is severely fucked up.
I've been here 5 years. There are shoot outs here all the time, last big one was last month. It's like the wild wild west, dangerous land of opportunity. I have a 9 foot wall around my property, 3 unfriendly dogs and guns. So my house isn't the one they'd want to mess with. I have solid connections here that keep me safe too, I'd hate to be on my own.

And yes, I keep my money in shoeboxes :)

In what part of Mexico did you live?
Is anyone currently in, or has anyone been to Belize?

Belize rivals Hawaii in beauty and its relaxing experience.

I was in Belize a few years ago for a vacation and fell in love with the place. Even though it's located in Latin America, it was a British colony so you don't need to know Spanish. They speak Creole, but it's not necessary to know it.

I highly recommend Caye (pronounced Key) Caulker. Sand roads and golf carts is how you get around on the island, and if you have to get back to the mainland you use a water taxi (motorboat) or a puddle-jumper airplane.

I also enjoyed Ambergris Caye, but it's the "touristy" island. There are several very nice resorts there.

Exchange rate is basically 2:1 - $2 Belizean Dollars = $1 USD

Their country beer Belikin has become one of my favorite of all time.

If you have questions, please PM me. I can't wait to go back there... It was a blast.
Lol you wanna read about Belize? Go read McAfee's crazy story about his time there.

Either he was on some hardcore drugs or their government is severely fucked up.

I remember reading this a few months back. What an awesome read, better than most novels I've read haha. I guess we'll never know, but he sure knows how to enjoy himself, if that's the right word.
I remember reading this a few months back. What an awesome read, better than most novels I've read haha. I guess we'll never know, but he sure knows how to enjoy himself, if that's the right word.

They're making it into a movie, if I recall correctly. His whole time there was pretty insane, with his guns and guards, his 17-year old girlfriends, his testosterone injections, the murder of his neighbor, the subsequent supposed frame-job by GSU, and his "escape" through Guatemala.

You wanna hear crazy, listen to him describe a night where GSU soldiers surrounded him for hours and didn't say a word.



They're making it into a movie, if I recall correctly. His whole time there was pretty insane, with his guns, his 10 17-year old girlfriends, his testosterone injections, the murder of his neighbor, and his "escape" through Guatemala.

I remember thinking that they should really make a movie out of it. Absolutely crazy story. Did you see the bit about the Wired article with the GPS tagged photo of him and he thought they did it on purpose to give his location away, while he was on the run from Belize? That was even more insane.
Found this a year ago when I was checking out Belize.

Current costs of internet in Belize per month

128 K $49 bz ($25 US) 128K is seriously laughable.
256 K $100 bz ($50 US) Still laughable
512 K $179 bz ($90 US) Laughable, but workable for most people.
1 MB $300 bz ($150 US) Ouch.
2 MB $500 bz ($250 US) Friends in the US pay $10/month for 2MB internet.
4 MB $850 bz ($425 US) Now I’m being robbed…$425 per month for 4 MB!

Plus you can only use Skype via VPN.

Any update on Belize? I'm seriously considering checking it out early 2015. Everything about this place seems appealing: the maya ruins, the beaches, the reef, the proximity to the US/Canada, the tax/residency rules, the English language... I can deal with a little bit of crime, hard to avoid in central america anyways.

Is the Internet still that expensive? What else is shitty about this place?