Being effected by epic


New member
May 1, 2012
Hey Everyone,
So with a ton of affiliates taken losses with epic going, i have had some reach out to me and got them going on the exact offers they we're running, It always sucks when a network goes down, especially when it leaves you open to not getting your paycheck, If anyone else is having issues give me shout ot even just post maybe your an affiliate that was able to get a payout and can offer some advice to others, Any feedback is great and Myself and company double play is open to bringing some new guys on the network and getting those offers for you so you can get back to work. Thanks

Any feedback is great and Myself and company double play is open to bringing some new guys on the network and getting those offers for you so you can get back to work.

How is your network relevant to the topic of epic advertising? Because you have some of the same offers Epic did? We can open our email if we want network syndication about who has what offers.

This is the only first impression of your network for I and a lot of others on this forum, just remember that the next time you decide to create another trojan horse post. There is a whole thread on here already about Epic woes, go there if you want "feedback".
Too many commas, thumbs down
You got some epic affiliates to give you a reach around?

Good for you, but why are you sharing that information with us?

If I was getting reach arounds from affiliates that were already fucked by a another network and I was into being a bottom I'd make that my networks slogan.

"Tired of affiliate networks fucking you? Now it's your turn to fuck us!"