Beginning FB & AM, how to start out most efficiently?


Own the Internet
Aug 6, 2010
Hello everyone,

I'm about to get started advertising affiliate links on facebook, and am operating with a rather limited budget. I would like to know which of these two scenarios would be most efficient/effective given a rather limited budget.

1) Advertise 4 different products, with 8 ad variations for each product.

2) Advertise only 1 product, with 32 ad variations for that one product.

Assume the starting budget is $200. Thanks for helping out this "noob"! (Did I say that right? Is it newb? ;) )

200 / 32 = $6ish... You won't get accurate results by sending roughly 12 clicks to each AD. Not enough data to form concrete results worth scaling.

I'd recommend using way less variations so atleast you can build some proper testing results or build up your capital via article writing or mowing lawns, whatever works.
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