Beginner wordpress issue

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New member
Aug 17, 2007
I am having trouble limiting the number of recent posts to 5. I tried modifying the code without any success. Any ideas? If you have something smart to say, go fuck yourself! Thanks in advance for your help.

<li class="posts"><h2>Recent Posts</h2>
global $opt;
$recentposts = new WP_query();
<?php while ($recentposts->have_posts()) : $recentposts->the_post(); ?>
<li><div class="r_time"><?php the_time('d F Y'); ?></div><h1 class="r_head"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1></li>
<?php endwhile; ?>

(Edit: ^^^ Or maybe not. And that explains the aversion to smartness).
I believe he wants to limit "Recent Posts", trigatch4.
Can't comment, because all the answers I can think of have been said, but dude, your site needs a better theme.
It could be a really great site, because the vegetarian market is huge (most of my friends nowadays... pussies), but it's ugly as sin.

Here's Template Monster's foody templates for Wordpress:
Food & Drink Web Templates | Food & Drink Flash Templates | Template Monster (no aff link)
#20497 and #13713 strike me as suitable.
Then maybe get a script that'll change the header image to match one you've linked to the article, so you can use shots of each dish... Or just slap them into the article main.
trigatch4 - I tried changing it in admin bro and thats all good. So I'm a little lost what else to do. I thought I had checked that anyways.

HarveyJ - Thanks for the tips. And your right vegetarian/vegan market is huge. I might fuck around in this niche a little bit. I've been more than pleased with how things are going. I didnt create this site until last Sunday! Already getting over 100 uniques a day!

I have been looking at different affiliate offers and think dieting and beauty might be a winner. Seems like mostly women are vegetarians and vegans.

But anyways thanks to everyone for all your help
Unlike Harvey, I like your site but you have too much clutter above the fold. You need to direct your visitors toward your content first, and the large tag widget and clunky Adsense table keeps people from seeing the recipes. You're using the tag cloud widget twice. Why do you need two? The one in the right sidebar is ok.

Experiment with different placements and styles, like the 468x15 Adsense link bar stealthily placed. In general, the layout and ads need a more organized arrangement.

I once made tofu at home from a mix that I bought in Chinatown.

Good luck bro.
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