Becoming a mailer?


New member
Mar 11, 2013
I have now been in affiliate marketing for about the last 4-5 months and gradually learning all the ropes, language, etc..

I have been managing sales for the network that i work for, but i was looking into expanding my knowledge now that i know a lot more about marketing and wanted to learn more about mailing.

Can anyone give me some insight on how they do their mailing? What kind of platform you use, etc..

Any information to help me understand this is greatly appreciated.


I Can give you some in-site. Mailing is tough starting out if you dont have a strong cash reserve. Everyone thinks that mail is "easy money" (which it is after you have built up a large opens/Clickers file). Your question though is a little too vague. There are many ways to go about email marketing. You can build out a leadgen page and use a system like Aweber to build a list, or you can pay a lot more for an ESP that mails in bulk. Either way you are probably looking at 12-16 months before you generate any substantial revenue starting out.
Either way you are probably looking at 12-16 months before you generate any substantial revenue starting out.
lol whaatt?? where are you getting that figure from? :eek7: Were you sending out 2 messages a day? :p

When i first started mailing (yes, whitehat/compliant) i started breaking through by the end of the first month
mailing can be done cheaply by setting up shared hosts and then using a mail software to connect to each but that would be classified as spam unless you have the right opt ins etc so main moniez would go into list building if ever then filtering your lists properly

I think this is a great advice if you are starting out. It shouldnt be a problem if you follow the basic rules (address at the bottom of each mailing, unsubscribe links, etc). You can start building your mailing list even if you use single opt ins. As long as the subscriber opted in and you follow the basic rulesto be complaint it shouldnt be a problem.

Can you elaborate a little on how do you go about setting up the shared hosting accounts to use them as servers to mail?
mailing = basically rocket science. i highly advise you learn some other easier chunk of the industry instead!