BBB Certification


paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
Has anybody here attempted to get certified by the Better Business Bureau. I talked to them a little before ASW and it's something like $395/year.

I could see this being a huge help if you deal with local lead gen, but if you do strictly online PPC, I don't see many businesses researching you before conducting business.

It's a good authority seal to use on your site if you run your own offers... as long as you have a good rating. Being certified for anything other than throwing the logo out for potential customers (either trying to lead buyers offline, or customers of an offer you own online) is basically useless.
They are the ripoff report of the brick and mortar world. One of the great extortion rackets of all time.

If you're closing brick and mortar B2B leads, I suspect people will be more interested if you are affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce.
They are the ripoff report of the brick and mortar world. One of the great extortion rackets of all time.

If you're closing brick and mortar B2B leads, I suspect people will be more interested if you are affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce.

^^ This.

I had a BBB membership and just recently let it lapse just because it didn't really do my business any good. As guerilla said, if you're looking to do local business, the Chamber of Commerce is a good way to go. One tip though, if you live in a metro area, join both your suburban chamber and the city's chamber. The former will get you steady business, while the latter will get you exposure to the big dogs (although, you typically have to pay for the big boy membership).
my opinion on the bbb.. go fuck yourselves.. needless to say it prevented a sale of a $xxx,xxx business we had a while back. the buyer did a search, saw we had a D rating and put a stop to it. the D rating was because of 2 complaints we received ( among thousands of sales ) and short period of time in business. fuck the bbb and there pity games.
i hate them. all you have to do to get "certified" is to pay them, that's all. it's a great trust symbol for consumers but for a business it's a complete waste of money. necessary evil i guess.
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