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Pam! I've been looking everywhere for you. I can fix your problem, but I can't do it from here, you'll need to PM me your password so I can load some Wicked Premium Membership Points™ onto your profile.

I'm online right now, so you can just PM me your password, and I'll load the points, and you can update your sig.
You must never give your password out online, but when you do make sure you give it to IceToEskimos, I can confirm, he is the savior of WF premium membership.
You must never give your password out online, but when you do make sure you give it to IceToEskimos, I can confirm, he is the savior of WF premium membership.

I'm just trying to help the girl out.

I remember what it was like when I was new, my head was spinning, and I didn't know how to do anything.

If I can help just one newbie today, I'll feel good about myself.
That's very nice of you to help out Pam IceToEskimos. I know that when I was knew, my head was spinning right round like a record on this forum! It was wild, reminded me of my fraternity days with the frat boys! Well hats off to you for helping her out...
Pam! I've been looking everywhere for you. I can fix your problem, but I can't do it from here, you'll need to PM me your password so I can load some Wicked Premium Membership Points™ onto your profile.

I'm online right now, so you can just PM me your password, and I'll load the points, and you can update your sig.


I really appreciate your concern.
Pam! I've been looking everywhere for you. I can fix your problem, but I can't do it from here, you'll need to PM me your password so I can load some Wicked Premium Membership Points™ onto your profile.

I'm online right now, so you can just PM me your password, and I'll load the points, and you can update your sig.


I PM my password. Have you receive?

I PM my password. Have you receive?

Even though I wasn't able to help you, I still tried, and I think you should give me some reputation for the effort.

You can find the button to give me my reputation underneath my avatar photo, directly to the left of my signature.

It's common courtesy on this forum to give reputation points any time anyone tries to help you out.