Basic Tracking Questions


New member
Oct 21, 2011
First off, let me say I am not a technical person whatsoever, however I somehow managed to install Prosper202 on my own domain. I have watched a number of videos however some things remain unclear to me with regards to what prosper202 does. I have not set up any campaigns, my questions are based on what I have learned and viewed/read thus far. There are a lot of gaps in my understanding so please be patient if my question itself seems somewhat strange.

1) So when you setup a PPC tracking campaign, you have to enter an Ad title, Ad copy, Display URL and CPC bid. I dont get this. A) So let's say we are using Google Adwords, and we select our max bid (.50 say), however in this example google doesnt need to use our max bid and uses (.47). So will the data presented in prosper not be accurate then? How is that useful? B) Do you set up adwords campaign simultaneously as you set up prosper tracking (copy and paste ad title etc) AND THEN get the code from prosper? In the video tutorial they set up tracking and then the adword. How are you supposed to do massive ad campaigns, is there not a faster way then copy paste, copy past every single ad?

2) How do I track split testing between ads and landers with prosper? Am I missing something? Does prosper just track PPC search keywords and conversions? Or am I out to lunch and the traffic source interface I use (facebook, adwords, whatever) track that stuff? I understand data is king, but what the hell tracks what?!

3)Can anyone recommend a turtorial where someone sets up tracking for a campaign using a wordpress lander?

I have been reading and watching videos for the last 12 hours and I am suffering from extreme info overload atm, so thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.

If you figured the answer to #3 let me know...or anybody can suggest a simple tracking id system. i used stuffed tracker but they closed out...